Friday, September 11, 2009

Heroes Remembered

I couldn't let the day go by without reflecting on the loss our country suffered 8 years ago today. To those who lost loved ones on that terrible day, I still weep with you. To those whose loved ones were lost after 9/11 protecting us on foreign fields of combat, I ache for the void left in your lives. And to those whose loved ones are still in harm's way because of the way 9/11 changed our world, you have my heartfelt thanks and deep admiration.

Let us not forget those who have fallen. They have walked the true hero's path.


Patricia Barraclough said...

We truly do need to remember them, but we also need to keep in our hearts the ones left behind. Those who lost loved ones at 9/11, those who have lost loved ones in combat, and those who are at home waiting for those in harms way to come home. They often have the more difficult task.

EmilyBryan said...

Absolutely, Pat. I agree 100%