Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Adele DuBois' Desert Nectar

Today's post is from my long-suffering friend, Adele Dubois. I've been so scatterbrained the past few weeks with the 12 Days of a A CHRISTMAS BALL blog tour, finishing up STROKE OF GENIUS (coming June 2010) and my parents coming for a two week visit that I missed getting Adele's post up not once, but TWICE! And yet, she's still speaking to me, bless her heart!

Take it away, Adele!

Some of us visit family and friends on week-ends, host dinner parties, or go to sporting events. With two new releases this month, I’ve spent my week-ends learning to make book videos. After several teeth-grinding, perspired, nerve-wracking hours I finally had that “ah-hah” moment when everything made sense and my book trailers started coming together. Best of all, I began having fun! I created three book videos—one for my new e-book release REV ME UP, a hot and spicy contemporary romance, one for my paranormal romance DESERT NECTAR in trade paperback, and another that featured all six of my Ellora’s Cave titles.

My author pal Emily Bryan has been gracious enough to post one of my book videos to celebrate the release of DESERT NECTAR, the print compilation of my ebooks DESERT FEVER and DESERT WILD. The background song is entitled Bring It On Home by Little Big Town and it’s one of my favorite Country songs. What do you think of my song choice and first attempt at video production?

DESERT NECTAR by Adele Dubois
Line: Twilight
Book Type: Trade Paperback
Publisher: Ellora's Cave Publishing
ISBN: 9781419959691

Buy Link



“The erotic moments are incredibly well-written. An all-around great read.” ~ Reader Views


Sonny Wild Horse of the Tohono O’odham Nation is a danger to a woman’s heart. Though he lusts after Caitlyn Spencer, his desire to live inside two conflicting worlds—the Sonoran Desert of his youth and the California coast where his future as a photographer is assured—tears the lovers apart.

When Sonny disappears inside America’s most hostile desert, Caitlyn borrows a unique Thunderbird convertible and embarks on a desperate search. The car is equipped with a powerful but endearingly kinky GPS navigator that grants wishes. Though not exactly a genie, “Guy’s” system locates whatever his driver needs most.
And Caitlyn needs to connect erotically with Sonny. Again and again. If only she can find him in time.





“Exceedingly erotic and beautifully written” ~ The Romance Studio Summary:

On her forty-sixth birthday, Marybeth buys a red convertible, equipped with the latest GPS navigation technology, and runs away from her painful divorce. At the mouth of the Mojave Desert she finds sexy, thirty-year-old USMC veteran Jake stranded with his disabled motorcycle, and gives him a lift to Nevada.

What Marybeth doesn’t know is that her GPS navigator has led her straight to the man she wished for to heal her broken heart. Though the GPS is not exactly a genie, his system grants him the power to locate whatever Marybeth needs most. What she wants is revenge, laced with a hot, studly young lover. GPS takes wishing upon a star to a new and very real technological level, as he makes Marybeth’s wildest, most sultry dreams come true.


Thanks so much for coming by today, Adele!

Adele Dubois is a former journalist who writes erotic romances that receive consistent outstanding reviews. Titles include REV ME UP, DESERT NECTAR, DESERT WILD, DESERT FEVER, INTIMATE ART and DREAM TRAVELER. Please visit Adele on her website at http://www.adeledubois.com

PS. Today 10/06 is the last day for my virtual signing of A CHRISTMAS BALL at NightOwl Romance. If you buy a copy today and fill out the info at NightOwl, I'll send you a goodie package featuring a signed brochure, signed bookplate, a PDF of my short story A DRAGON CAERN CHRISTMAS, plus an origami Christmas ornament made by my own 10 tiny fingers! I'd love to send you a package!


Adele Dubois said...

Well, Emily, you could't have picked a better day to surprise me with my belated guest blog.

Today is my birthday! :)

Thanks so much for hosting me. I hope your readers enjoy my post.

Best--Adele Dubois

Carol L. said...

Happy Birthday Adele,
I loved the song you chose. I never heard it before but it's great, had chills as soon as I heard it. Loved the excerpts. Can't wait to read them.
Have a great day Adele and enjoy. :)
carol L.

Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

Hey Adele!

(Ash waves madly.)

I really enjoy trailers and admire anyone who can make one! I paid for the two I have, but I love them.

My hubby still hasn't read Desert Fever! Grrr... Pretty soon I'm going to take it back and read it myself!


Adele Dubois said...

Carol--Thanks for the birthday well-wishes. I hope you enjoy DESERT NECTAR! Thanks for stopping by to chat.

Ash--Nice to hear from you again. (waves back) Maybe you'll pick up a copy of DESERT NECTAR at RomantiCon. Looking forward to seeing you there! Thanks for posting.


Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

Alas, I can't go to Romanticon. I'm still poor from RT. I won't be able to go to the NJ RWA conference either. (That's where I met you.)


Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

Oh! Happy Birthday, babe!


Judi Fennell said...

Happy Bday Adele, and congrats on the videos! I had fun making some for the online contest I was in a few years ago. Glad you mastered it!

Adele Dubois said...

Ash--No RomantiCon for you? Ack! We'll miss you. I won't be going to the NJ Conference this year, either. Chose RomantiCon instead.

Judi--Thanks for the birthday wishes and for stopping by to chat. Glad you liked my video. With practice, I'm getting better at it.


Cara Marsi said...

Happy Birthday, Adele. I love your videos. You did a great job.

Carolyn Matkowsky/Cara Marsi

EmilyBryan said...

Happy Birthday, Adele!

Your trailer rocks!

Adele Dubois said...

Carolyn--Thanks for the kudos and good wishes! Thanks, too, for visiting and posting.

Emily--Glad you like my book video. Thanks for the birthday wishes too!


EmilyBryan said...

Good Morning, Adele! I'm keeping you for another day. Could you tell us what you used to make your video? Any special tips for those of us who would like to try it?

Anonymous said...

Hi Adele :)
Thanks for the great post.
I enjoyed the trailer a lot too!
Happy Birthday (for yesterday).
All the best,

Jane L said...


Happy Birthday! I am sorry to say I have not read any of your work. As a faithful stalker of Emily's though, she has such wonderful guest on, I have found several new authors I love! So I am looking forward to reading your stories!
Happy writing!

Cheeky Girl said...

Hi Adele! Happy Belated Birthday! How did you come up with your idea for the GPS that takes you to what you need most? It's a very interesting premise!

Adele Dubois said...

Emily--I had heard it was expensive and somewhat difficult to make a book video, so I hestitated to hire someone or try to make one myself. I assumed I wasn't skilled enough.

An author friend told me about One True Media and the free book video template they offer. I was able to upload my book covers to their template and type text with ease. For some of the videos I found Internet sites that offered free photo downloads.

One True Media offers the music selections for the video background music, too. I chose my music, added it to my pics, and voila! I'd made my first video.

After several edits I created three videos. They're called DESERT NECTAR, REV ME UP, and ADELE DUBOIS BOOKS. The other two are posted on my blog at www.adeledubois.com/blog

I bet you can make your own video in record time. If I can, you can.


Adele Dubois said...

RK--Thank you for commenting and for your happy birthday good wishes! Glad you enjoyed my post and video. I hope you enjoy my books.

Jane--I am always happy to meet new readers of my work. I hope you enjoy DESERT NECTAR and will lmk if you do. Thank you for joining the chat!


Adele Dubois said...

CheekyGirl--Thanks so much for your visit.

All my adult life I longed to own a convertible. Finally, I bought one, and discovered that every cliche' I'd heard about how wonderful they are was true. Inside my convertible I'm 25 years old again and 25 pounds thinner, whithout a care in the world.

When I need to have some fun, I get into my convertible and drive. These feelings inspired my GPS desert stories, where anything a woman needed could be located. I wanted every woman to have her heart's desire, even if only in her imagination.

I hope you enjoy DESERT NECTAR.

Best--Adele Dubois

Booklover1335 said...

Hi Adele,
Happy Birthday!!!!

I'm always amazed at what authors have to learn and know when promoting their books. It's no longer good enough just to write an amazing story, but you have to be a good marketer, conversationalist, video producer...and the list goes on. My kudos to you all for not only writing, but making sure we learn about them as well.

I am a big fan of book videos. My favorite ones really give you a feel for what the book is about, but I prefer to have the info about the author, where I can buy it and any review comments at the end. The reason is this. I like to get caught up in what the book is about and by flashing back and forth between relevant info and a fictional world I loose that. And having the reviews follow the video helps to cement what I learned in the video...that it looks like a good read. Then finally I want the author, publisher and buying info. Tell us how to buy it after we know that we want it...when it is too early we may not remember it.

Just my thoughts. Desert looks like a great series. I haven't read them yet, but plan to check them out :)

Unknown said...

Hope you have a wonderful birthday Adele! I am just trying to enjoy one of my days off from work and this is one way! Thanks!


Adele Dubois said...

Booklover1335--Thank you for your birthday well wishes and your insightful, helpful post. You're right that authors have a lot to master these days. No matter what else we have going on in our lives, publishing is a full-time job.

Katrice--I appreciate your birthday good wishes. Thank you for your visit and for posting a comment.


Anonymous said...


I really enjoy the trailers, keep up the good work! Great excerpts, I can't wait to read the books!


Jane L said...

Another question, as one of the readers posted authors have alot to learn and do in the publishing world.

Did you start building a platform so to speak before you were actually published? I f so what types of things did you do?

Adele Dubois said...

Virginia--I appreciate your kind birthday wishes and enthusiasm for my books. Do lmk if you enjoy them. I can be contacted by email via my website at www.adeledubois.com/

Jane--I suggest you have a website built and ready to upload before your first release. When you sign your first contract, upload the website to the Internet and begin promotion. The lag time between contract signing and the release date can take several months to a year or more. During this time you can blog, learn to create videos, and write your next book. Good luck!


Mary said...

Great video and Happy birthday! I am always excited to learn of a new author and I am always trying to add new titles to my ever growing home library. The summaries for the books have truly caught my interest and I will be sure to hound my local book store to get a few copies to purchase.

Adele Dubois said...

Mary--Thanks so much for your birthday wishes and enthusiasm for my book. To order a trade paperback copy of DESERT NECTAR, please go to my publisher website at the link provided on my blog post. Ellora's Cave will ship the book to you directly.


EmilyBryan said...

Thanks for visiting us, Adele! And thanks to everyone who left a comment.

The winner of Adele's goodie bag is: Cheeky!

Please contact Adele through the Contact link at www.adeledubois.com!