This was the first of Ms. Day's work I'd read and it was marvelous! Her hero is a bastard born thief-taker.
A what? I hear you asking.
Before England had a policeforce, a private citizen with means might hire a thief-taker to solve a crime and apprehend the criminal. Sylvia's heroine needs just such a fellow. PRIDE AND PASSION is a Regency era HUMAN TARGET. I loved it.
Sylvia's prose is taut and elegant. Her characters are sharply drawn. And her love scenes are smoking.
I recommend you pop over to Sylvia Day's website to learn more and sign up for her newsletter so you can get a reminder when it's released next year. As I said last week, I don't do book reviews. But when I read something I love, I will give a recommendation. Consider it given!
Ok, now it's your turn. What have you been reading this week?
PS. I'm dishing my romantic plans for the weekend over at The Chatelaines today. Hope you'll join me there.
OOOHHH emily how i envy thee!! this book looks and sounds amazing! ARCs are definitely great perks of being an author.
i've been in a contemporary kick and this week i'm reading jill shalvis's slow heat and i'm really enjoying it :)
I love Sylvia Day. She knows how to blend heavy sensuality and emotion so well.
Chelley--Jill is an RITA finalist this year, I believe, so you chose well to satisfy your contemporary kick.
Gillian- At first I wondered how she'd warm up her bluestocking heroine, but trust me, her hero is more than up to the task! ;-)
Feb. 2011 is a long time to wait, but Sylvia Day's book sounds great.
I've been on a Highlander kick lately and have read 3 Lynsay Sands books in the last week or so. I will probably start reading Nine Rules by Sarah MacLean later today.
Deb--I heard of someone else who's got a Highlander book coming--Connie Mason. SINS OF THE HIGHLANDER. But it's not out till November.
She does have a new title coming in a couple weeks called LORD OF DEVIL ISLE. Got a great RT review.
Hi Emily! My weekend read: Pleasure of a Dark Prince by Kresley Cole... going a different direction after A Christmas Ball (which I really enjoyed, thank you)! BTW, I think I read most of Sylvia Day's books, looking forward to Pride and Passion!
Have a great weekend!
My pleasure, Etirv. Glad you enjoyed A CHRISTMAS BALL!
I just finished Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night by Kresley Cole, which was AMAZING!! And I'm thinking about starting Ravished by Amanda Quick next. I've never read any of her books before, so I'm excited!!
"thief-taker" , my new word for the week. I'd not heard this term. I gather you have found and like HUMAN TARGET. I have only watched a few shows and like the plot twists they always seem to throw in.
I am working on BREAKING DAWN by Stephenie Meyer. I'm not quite half way through and don't know where it is going. It has gone in unexpected directions. It certainly has me hooked.
I have not come across Sylvia Day, thanks for sharing her Emily.
It's nice to know there are perks out there for you. :)
I am reading A Sense of Duty by Sheelagh Kelly.
Chelsea--You'll love Amanda Quick! She also writes as Jayne Ann Krentz and Jane Castle.
Pat--My daughter is a total Twilight freak. She's read and reread the whole series several times. Enjoy!
Glynis-The occasional sneak peek into another author's work is one of my favorite perks.
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