Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Adventures Close to Home

Adventures can happen anyplace. This is a pic from a place within a couple hours drive of our home.

Any guesses where this is?

Do you have a favorite spot to visit close to your home?


Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

A beautiful park with a stream, animals, trees, people and quiet inspiration.
Thank you for reminding me.
Giggles and Guns

Jane L said...

I live in Minnesota. We love to go up to Lake Superior to a resort called Blue Fin Bay. It is absolutley serene and romantic!

Jane L said...


That sounds so peaceful!

Nynke said...

I love to go just outside the city where I live and sit in the grass on the bank of the Waal river. I like watching the ships and the water go by and there's the most beautiful sunsets!

Jane L said...


Oh I love water, and boats! It is funny they say Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes. But there never seems to be enough water around here sometimes.

librarypat said...

Nice stretch of sand. I'd guess it is Wollaston Beach. I didn't realize he Boston area had such lovely, sandy beaches.

EmilyBryan said...

This pic was snapped on Cape Cod and I'm afraid I don't remember the exact name of the beach. The water was too cold even for wading, IMO, but a few hardy New Englanders were surfing in wet suits.

And we saw a pod of orcas.

A lovely mini-getaway.