While I wrote my paranormal erotic romance DESERT WILD I imagined my hero, Sonny Wild Horse Hendricks of the Tohono O’odham Nation, and watched my heroine fall in love. My hero was strong and well-built, with a sinewy, muscular body. He was handsome, with a firm, full mouth and serious dark eyes. His long, shiny black hair hung straight down his back and his clear, smooth skin was rich as burnished copper. His passions were his photographic art, The Sonoran Desert, and Caitlyn Spencer of Santa Barbara. How he would reconcile these often conflicting desires is at the heart of DESERT WILD.
Once I had Sonny’s image clear in my mind, I began to search the Internet for pictures of Native American men who resembled my fantasy hero. Periodically over several months I scrolled through hundreds of photographs, both vintage and new, but couldn’t duplicate the character in my imagination.

That changed when I found portraits of Native American actor and model Rick Mora and saw the eyes of my fictional hero, Sonny Wild Horse Hendricks, staring back at me.
These photographs of the character inspiration for DESERT WILD are used with the kind permission of Rick Mora, of the Twilight movie cast. http://www.rickmora.com/
DESERT WILD by Adele Dubois
©Ellora’s Cave Publishing, 2009

“Ah,” he breathed, closing his eyes as she loved his body with her lips and tongue and stroked the silken skin on his hips with her fingertips. “I am here.” His fingers closed on the crown of her head and entwined in the layers of her hair as she dropped to her knees to bury her face against his abdomen. “Don’t you know you’re the only reason I come back?”
Whew! Had to break out the fan! If you'd like a chance to win one of Adele's books, please leave a comment or question! And I'll kick things off by asking Adele what the paranormanl elements of this story are?
I'd say it's Adele's hero, whew. Now I have to read about this sexy man. :) I'd love to win so I'll buy a fan just in case. :) Thanks for the heads up Emily.
Carol L.
Hi Emily and All!
Thank you for inviting me to join you today. I'm happy to be here.
My Desert books feature a GPS navigation system with the power to grant wishes. Though "Guy" isn't exactly a genie, he locates whatever the heroine needs most. "Guy" is the link between the real world and the paranormal.
Below is a summary of DESERT WILD and a little more explanation.
Ellora's Cave
Genre: Paranormal Erotic Romance
Format: ebook
Sonny Wild Horse of the Tohono O’odham Nation is a danger to a woman’s heart. Though he lusts after Caitlyn Spencer, his desire to live inside two conflicting worlds—the Sonoran Desert of his youth and the California coast where his future as a photographer is assured—tears the lovers apart.
When Sonny disappears inside America’s most hostile desert, Caitlyn borrows a unique Thunderbird convertible and embarks on a desperate search. The car is equipped with a powerful but endearingly kinky GPS navigator that grants wishes. Though not exactly a genie, “Guy’s” system locates whatever his driver needs most.
And Caitlyn needs to connect erotically with Sonny. Again and again. If only she can find him in time.
Hello Adele,
The pictures for your inspiration are of one sexy man. I love his eyes. Thanks for the excerpt. Have a great day.
house_mouse88 at yahoo dot com
Whew, that excerpt is hot indeed! Sounds great! And the GPS system - inspired. What a funny yet envy-inducing idea. I wouldn't mind running into one of those :D.
I'd love to read this book, Adele! Thanks for sharing!
A GPS that "knows best." That'll work!
Serious yum!
Hello Adele and Emily!
Wow, a magical GPS is truly unique. Kudos!
The excerpt really does sound hot. How fun to see a photo and realize you were looking at Your Character. Very, very cool!
Chiron O'Keefe
The Write Soul: www.chironokeefe.blogspot.com
Thank you for your enthusiastic comments. I do hope you enjoy DESERT WILD. I love hearing from readers, so please contact me via my website and tell me if you enjoy my stories about the magical GPS navigator--who happens to find handsome hunks in the desert. Guy is my kind of GPS! LOL.
Best--Adele Dubois
And for those of you who hate to google, here's a link to Adele's website
And a link to Buy Desert Heat!
Adele! You're a new author to me but I'll make sure to check out your books. Your hero reminds me of one of the blokes from Las Vegas' Thunder from Down Under! Thanks!
Oh wow Adele's hero is certaintly an inspiration :)! He has the most beautiful eyes.
The book sounds awesome to - am adding it to my list to buy.
Pam S
Sounds like a great book! I love when books have hot guys, hot sex, and a touch of paranormal! Thanks so much, Adele and Emily.
lynda98662 at yahoo dot com
Like the pictures of your character. Must have been a little strange to turn a page and have him looking back at you. As an author, how often do you find pictures that are exactly what you pictured your character to be?
Your hero is hott!
I had the hardest time finding American Indian actors with short hair to use as an imaginative model for one of my heroes. Fortunately, that photo of the New Moon fellas showed up on the intertubes, so, that helped. Hee.
Can't wait to read DESERT WILD!
What a hero!! This is a book for me, I'd love to read it!
eva.silkka at gmail,com
Emily, Etirv, Pam, Kytaira, Patricia, Zoe, Eva--
Thanks so much for your enthusiasm. It was awesome to find photographs of my fantasy hero online, and then discover he's also a kind and generous person in reality.
When I contacted model and actor Rick Mora to ask permission to use his images to promote my book, he was extremely gracious.
Handsome, talented, and charming. What more could a woman ask for?
Thanks for reading and posting.
Best--Adele Dubois
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