My friend, Amanda McIntyre is doing a grueling 25 Day Blog Tour to celebrate the release of TORTURED, her new erotic medieval from Harlequin Spice. Today is Day Twenty-23 of the tour for Amanda and she's come up with something really fun and creative for you. But before I turn my blog over to Amanda, I want to share her cool book trailer with you.
from Amanda McIntyre . . .
In a time of chaos, darkness, and violence, it is better to live only in the moment, lest your memories eat you alive.
A young woman blessed with “sight seeks vengeance against a tyrannical lord responsible for her mother's murder. Forced to become an executioner's apprentice, she encounters a Roman prisoner who offers her a way to escape her prison and find a future. Torn between desire, duty, and the chance for revenge, her choice to live or die leaves her TORTURED. (Available now, Harlequin Spice-Books Aug. '09)
TORTURED has been called “a disturbingly touching tale of hope, love and survival.” (Romance BookWyrm) and “Captivating, sexy…not to be missed,” Heather Graham.
With every book I write, at some point, I end up with music that paints a visual in my head of the scene I want to write, or the mood I want to convey. I am an eclectic music lover with very few genres that I don’t truly enjoy listening to. Case in point…just this summer we had the joy of being able to take a family vacation with three of our four children to the eastern states. While in Washington DC, we went to a outdoor music pavilion in Virginia called Wolff Trapp. I highly recommend the experience the next time you are in the DC area. It is amazing!
The concert that we went to see was called “Video Games Live” performed by the National Symphony Orchestra and conducted by composer/producer, Jack Wall. Tommy Tallarico, known in his own right as one of the top video game composers,
Virtually has single handedly taken the sound of the music industry from bleeps to epic music now enjoyed by gamers and non-gamers alike. I was blown away how the music swept me up, taking my imagination to amazing places! If you ever have the opportunity to see this concert, I highly recommend it. But I digress…
Music…it inspires, it soothes, it entices. I’m sure my friend, Em would agree. As such, I thought it might be fun to share with you a couple of the tracks that inspired my writing of TORTURED.
Medieval, dark ages…for me I almost always go classical or soundtrack. After much searching, I found the King Arthur soundtrack and downloaded it on my itunes, so I could listen as I wrote.
So here is the game and how you can win a copy of TORTURED today.
Go to my blog and listen to the three tracks on the virtual Ipod.
(Em here with a quick note for those of you who may be visiting us while you're at work. The music plays automatically on the site, so you'll want to check it out at home unless you wear headphones at work.)
Match the songs with these three scene descriptions and leave your answers 1, 2 and 3, here in your comments on Emily’s blog. Winners will be chosen at random from correct answers:
Here are the song titles:
(Em again ~ This is really cool music. Adventurous and evocative!)
Woad to Ruin/Hans Zimmer
Tell Me Now (what you see) Moya See
Do you Think I’m Saxon?/Hans Zimmer
Here are the scene descriptions:
a) love scenes between Sierra and Dryston-learning to trust her emotions, trust another person
b) Sierra’s courageous attempt to alone, save her brother and Dryston
c) the battle march of the brutal Saxon warlord and his horde as they come to meet the grass roots army that has risen against them

May the wind be at your back~
Thanks for coming today, Amanda. And thanks for sharing the music that inspired this story! I always write to a movie soundtrack and it really helps me slip into the world of my book.
Buy TORTURED here! and have fun matching the music to the scene for a chance to win a FREE copy!
good morning ladies!!
I hope I have this figured out. I have definite reasons for choosing the way I have. I am using the numbers 1,2,3 in the order in which you have the songs listed here on Emily's site and not the order in which they played.
My answer:
I really enjoy putting music to everything. I am home most of the day by myself and prefer music to the t.v. There is never anything on during the day anyhow. I tend to turn on CMT until my son gets home and then it goes back to Disney and PBS.
I love it when authors share this kind of information. It is nice to have a certain song related to a book. I mean we always envision an actor in the lead role, why not have a soundtrack to go along with it.
Woad to Ruin reminds me of a scene from the Last of the Mohicans.
Good morning, Heather!
Music really stirs my creative juices, so I'm so glad Amanda is sharing this today.
I've been going back and forth between two soundtracks for my current WIP STROKE OF GENIUS. Sometimes, I listen to Shakespeare in Love. It's playful and fun. And sometimes, I listen to the Rach 3-Rachmaninoff's Third Piano Concerto. It's a more turbulent piece, but with a few spritely moments. It sort of depends on where I am in the story.
Hi Heather!
Yes, thank you for numbering the songs
answers can be either by number the songs or putting the letters in order to the songs, either way;)
I'm with you though, I much prefer music to TV! My poor children were raised on all the Disney sing along videos! LOL
I dont think Ive ever seen Last of the Mohicans, I have got to check out this movie. I hear such good stuff about it!
I love the Shakespeare in Love soundtrack, Em! The Pride and Prejudice soundtrack is haunting and ethereal also--you can almost imagine standing on a terrace of an early moring, looking out over a mist covered valley. Love it!
Which Rachmanioff piece is it in Somewhere in Time? I love that piece!
This morning I have a lovely CD playing that I picekdd up a few yerars ago in a gift shop someplace, called Autumn in New England-instrumental entirely and always reminds me of fall and the changes.
I sing only for pleasure, I cannot play an instrument-but I am an absolute divining rod to music. LOL
Before I took the step into fiction writing--I wrote a weekly column on the importance of music and fine arts in our schools for over seven years-its impact on grades, creativity, growth, etc
Hope everyone has fun with this contest!
Amanda--Just thinking about THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS music sets all the hairs on my arms straight up. The movie is wonderful (Daniel Day Lewis and the waterfall scene--what an iconic moment!) but the first time I saw it, I'd just read the book. And it departs from the book with regularity, so it irritated me.
Now I can just enjoy it for what it is ~ a fabulous, heart-breaking adventure/love story, somewhat related to the book.
Hi Amanda!
Great to see you here on Emily's blog.
I really enjoyed TORTURED and hope everyone runs out and gets a copy today! The cover is awesome as usual.
Since I have a copy already, please don't enter me in the giveaway. I just wanted to say hi!
HI Cheeky G! Great to see you as always! Thank you for your kind words about TORTURED! And you know how I feel about Spice covers;)
Thanks for stopping by!
Hello! This was challenging.
My guess:
a = TMN
b = WTR
Hi Girls!
Just following Amanda on her "Tortured" tour -
Hugs -
HI Genella!
thank for stopping in!
Here are my guesses.
a- Tell Me Now (what you see)
b- Woad to Ruin
c- Do you Think I’m Saxon?
Hi Amanda,
Catching the end of your tour unfortunately, wished I could have visited more.
What fun thing - enjoyed the music and trailer ;).
Congrats on Tortured hoping to get to read it soon.
My guess is:
1) Tell Me Now
2) Woad to Ruin
3) Do you Think I’m Saxon?
keeping fingers crossed ;)!
Pam S
Oh, Amanda! You are right, this is a fun idea. I really loved listening to those songs. I awlays have either a Lord of the Rings movie playing or Harry Potter at night when I'm reading, and I'm pretty convinced that it has to do with the background music!
Of course I'm not entering the contest but I gotta play!
Let's see, I'm going to say the love scene is Tell Me Now. Sierra's attempt to save her brother and Dryston is Woad to Ruin. And the battle march would be to Do you Think I'm Saxon?.
That was some intense music!
Cheeky-You're always on top of the latest reads! Thanks for sharing your opinion of TORTURED.
Etriv and Genella, Thanks for coming by today! I bet you've seen some cool blogs on Amanda's tour.
Jane, Pam, & Amy--So glad you enjoyed Amanda's music!
thanks Jane! Im gathering all of these!! LOl
Thanks Pam! Im glad you got to stop over!
Oh I forgot about Lord of the Rings Amy! Fantastic music!!
thanks for stopping in ! I'll be heading your way tomorrow!;)
have those refreshing beverages ready!
I'll wait here until WED. 9 PM CST to announce the winner!
In case we have any west coast folks that want to play!
I know that I am late but just wanted to say Tortured looks like a great read!
thank you very much Virginia! I appreciate your kind words! If you'd like to read a full excerpt from TORTURED, I'd like to invite you to do so at my blog.
Okay, now the winner who guessed completely and utterly correct the sequence of the scenes, together with the music bits....
Deliah is the winner! Woohoo!
a = TMN
b = WTR
Congratulations ! Email me at amanda@amandamcintyre.net to claim your choice of Diary of Cozette or Tortured!
Thanks you, Em! I'll see you Friday at the Chatelaines!
Join me tomorrow at Romance Book Wyrm--where we're "Building a Hero"
Good night everyone and may the wind be at your back~
Just finished my copy of Tortured and I LOVE it! Amanda truly knows how to weave a tapestry of images that leave the imagination wanting more! I think that there should be a follow up story! Break out that King Arthur soundtrack again Amanda...thank you ;)
Thanks to all who left a comment or entered the drawing!
Thanks for being a wonderful blog guest, Amanda and for sharing such thrilling music with us. I'll be thinking about those tunes while I read the book! See you Friday on THE CHATELAINES!
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