Well, as you've probably guessed, the Prize Patrol did not surprise me yesterday. No, I'm not despairing, whatever this pic of the mythical Ariadne might suggest. It's just as well. I've heard most of the folks who win the lottery or otherwise experience such a windfall are usually bankrupt within five years. (Still would have liked a chance to beat the odds!)
Lots of readers were interested in my Agent Dance post this week. I happened upon this listing of agents compiled by Publisher's Weekly and thought it might be worth re-posting here.
Top Ten Romance/Women's Fiction Agents:
1. Roberta Brown
2. Kimberly Whalen
3. Laura Bradford
4. Jennifer Schober
5. Kevan Lyon
6. Natasha Kern
7. Pamela Harty
8. Emily Sylvan Kim
9. Deidre Knight
10. Karen Solem
I'm delighted to see my agent, Natasha Kern, in that number. If you're wondering where to begin looking for an agent, a list compiled by Publishers Weekly is not a bad place to start.

I've been doing some housecleaning. No, not in my condo. On my website. I'm really quite a minimalist when it comes to decorating, but my website gets cluttered as I find new things I want to include. Every now and then, I have to take it down and clear away the excess. And I'm tickled to share that I finally have a fancy drop down menu navigation bar instead of using a system that seemed to swell and crowd the page. Check it out and let me know what you think. Like my current WIP, my website is always under construction! And as long as you're there, please be sure to enter my Christmas in August Contest!
Today, I'm doing a bit of cyber-trotting. I'm at The Chatelaines for my usual Friday post on that group blog. If you haven't ever visited me there, the hysterical banner alone is worth the trip! I'm blogging about my inspiration for my current WIP STROKE OF GENIUS.

Have a lovely day! Be kind to yourself. You deserve it.
What are you planning for your weekend?
Your website looks great! I like the minimalist look, too.
We're going to an art fest at a nearby town tomorrow or Sunday. We might go to an Irish fest, too. Other than that, I'll be writing.
An art fest! Oh, Edie I'd like to be a mouse in your pocket. Art always lifts me up and makes me feel more creative myself. (Not that I ever pick up a paintbrush unless it's to repaint a room!)
My DH and I are hoping to take a ferry to the harbor islands around Boston and explore an old fort.
Happy writing!
Thanks, Edie. Glad you like the website's new look. It'll last a while and then I'll have to de-clutter again!
It is a lovely website and your information about top 10 Romance agents is so valuable! Thanks muchly!
Congrats on the foreign rights sale, Emily. And thanks for the agent info. I already have an agent. She's a generalist and she's terrific, but it's good to know who the romance specialists are!
Love seeing my agent on that list!
And I'm looking forward to hosting you on my blog tomorrow, Emily!!
Thanks, Kathryn. When I saw that list, I knew other writers would find it useful. That's not to say there aren't plenty of other good agents out there, but it really helps to get an independent expert opinion.
Glad you liked the website. I'm pleased with the way it turned out. In case you're interested, I have 7 pages of writerly advice under the Write Stuff tab. Short articles on getting started, submitting, self-editing, networking, creating a writing space, deciding which premise to work on, etc. Hope it's helpful.
Hi Liane! Thanks for dropping by. I also enjoy your blog and so envy you for living on an island! Trinadad & Tobago. I love the way those names roll off my tongue!
Waving 'hi' to Elisabeth!
Yes, I was happy to see my agent on the list too. It's a relief to have independent confirmation that we made a good business decision, isn't it?
Looking forward to blogging with you tomorrow!
I have to work 11 to 3 so that kind of kills the day. I'll come home and sort laundry. We were gone all of last week for a reunion and just sort of dropped everything and went back to work. Will go to church Sat. night. That will give me all day Sunday to hit my yard. My husband mowed yesterday, but my flower beds are a disaster. As hot and humid as it is supposed to be, that won't be conducive to working outside for too long at a stretch. There is a lot to do inside too.
Hope you have a great weekend and don't have to work too hard.
Thanks for the list of agents, Emily. (How about Kristin Nelson, do you know anything about her?) Very generous of you. I envy, not your success (I'm published myself), but your energy and freedom to write all day! I'm old and decrepit and it's all a struggle.
Sorry to whine! I get where I want in the long run.
Mona, I don't know anything about Kristen Nelson except that she has plenty of authors whose work I enjoy and respect as her clients. That says something to me.
Thanks, Margaret! I'm glad you dropped by!
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