"A rock-solid debut...Naughton's intelligent adventure plot is intensified by the blazing heat that builds from Lisa and Rafe's first erotic encounter."
--Publisher's Weekly

Big thanks to Emily for having me here today!
I thought it might be fun to talk about reunion stories, since my current release STOLEN HEAT, is just that. For those of you who haven’t heard about the book, here’s a short blurb:
Antiquities dealer Peter Kauffman walked a fine line between clean and corrupt for years. And then he met the woman who changed his life—Egyptologist Katherine Meyer. Their love affair burned white-hot in Egypt, until the day Pete’s lies and half-truths caught up with him. After that, their relationship imploded, Kat walked out, and before Pete could find her to make things right, he heard she’d died in a car bomb.
Six years later, the woman Pete thought he’d lost for good is suddenly back. The lies this time aren’t just his, though. The only way he and Kat will find the truth and evade a killer out for revenge is to work together—as long as they don’t find themselves burned by the heat each thought was stolen long ago…
I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for reunion stories. I love the nuances, the chance to make something right, the knowledge that nothing in this life is static, especially love. Of course, reading a reunion story and writing one are two very different things, and as I learned through the course of writing STOLEN HEAT, a reunion story is one of the toughest stories one can write.
Why? Because the writer not only has to explain what’s happening now – the plot, the characters, the emotions – he/she also has to explain what happened then. And how what happened in the past impacts what happens now.
STOLEN HEAT was no exception. The present day suspense plot in this book is deeply rooted in what happened between Pete and Kat in the past, and it took me several tries to get this book right. Those “tries” also included one very long call with my agent where she said, “This isn’t working,” and a whole lot of eyebrow pulling on my part. But the end result is something I’m very proud of. And I’m thrilled to know readers are falling in love with Pete and Kat the way I did.
After I finished STOLEN HEAT, I swore I’d never write another reunion story. That lasted, um…two books. I’m now working on another one, though in many ways this one is very different. But at the core is the same second chance at love you find in STOLEN HEAT. Of course, I’m already losing eyebrows, and in a few weeks I may be asking myself, “What on earth were you thinking?” But I know when this book is done, I’ll feel the same thing I did when I finished STOLEN HEAT. That it was worth it. That reminding readers second chances DO happen is important. That we all would benefit by remembering the loss of love is never final.
How about you? Do you like reunion stories? Any stand out in your mind as real keepers?
In honor of the release of STOLEN HEAT, I’m giving away a book! One lucky commenter will have their choice of either STOLEN HEAT (book 2 in the Stolen Trilogy) or STOLEN FURY (book 1, which released in Jan 2009)
(Emily hopping in for a moment here.) Did you catch that? Everyone who leaves a comment is in the running for one of Elisabeth Naughton's terrific books!So let us know you're here!
A previous junior-high science teacher, Elisabeth Naughton now writes sexy romantic suspense and paranormal novels full time from her home in western Oregon where she lives with her husband and three children. Her debut release, Stolen Fury, was a 2007 Golden Heart Finalist and has been heralded by Publisher's Weekly as "A rock-solid debut." When not writing, Elisabeth can be found running, hanging out at the ball park or dreaming up new and exciting adventures.
Visit the author’s website at www.elisabethnaughton.com!
To enter her “Big” STOLEN HEAT Release Contest for a chance to win $100 VISA gift card and other daily prizes, go to Stolen Heat Contest
Thanks for coming by, Elisabeth. Ok, everybody! Leave those comments and questions for a chance to win STOLEN HEAT or STOLEN FURY!
Hi Emily and Elisbeth!
Congrats on your second release and on that PW review.
Hi Christie! Always good to hear from YOU!
Hi Emily and Elisabeth!
Elisabeth~ Congrats on your new release! You are a "New to Me Author" and I am completely intrigued. I normally only read Historical or Paranormal Romance, but I think that the Stolen series has Stolen my attention. These two books are definitely going on my wish list!!
Emily~~Thanks for introducing another author to me. My husband is really "loving" you right now!
Y'all have a great day!
I am always excited when I find out about a new author =). I can't wait to sit down and cuddle up with these books.
Elizabeth! I love reunion stories! I'm ordering it from amazon right now!
Heather--You just remind your husband he's the beneficiary of all your romance reading! Tell him you put his face on every hero.
Men like that. Mine sure does.
Mary--I only try to bring you the best in new authors and Elisabeth is a keeper!
Leslie--I agree. There's just something about "the one that got away ..." I'm hearing great things about I Shot You Babe!. Just the title cracks me up!
I was actually wondering if anyone's read a reunion story that took a creepy turn, like a stalker type thing . . .
Thanks, Cristie!
Hi Heather - thanks so much for the comment. I hope you enjoy the series!
Mary - :) Thanks for stopping by! These are definitely good cuddle books.
Hey Leslie...thanks so much for popping in today!
Oooh, Emily. The reunion/stalker idea is a good one. Though hard to somehow turn that into a romance. LOL Unless the "reunion" isn't the romance. hm...
Hi Emily and Elisabeth!
Elisabeth, Do you have a scene in your mind that you haven't been able to fit into one of your stories yet?
Congratulations on your new release!
Hey Emily and Elisabeth. I'm actually Elisabeth's friend and am anxious to read Stolen Heat -- I know I'll love it as much as I did Stolen Fury (and so will everyone else!) I enjoyed visiting your site, Emily (and that's a very cool picture of you.)
Hi Elisabeth and Emily!
If I have read a reunion story it didn't resonate with me. because I can't think of one I've read. LOL Looking forward to reading the second book.
Congrats on the new release. I do enjoy reunion stories. One of my favorites is Lisa Kleypas' "Again the Magic."
Hi, Elisabeth and Emily! So nice to see two wonderful authors teaming up on a blog!
Yep, I like reunion stories and have, in fact, written them. :)
Eli, can't wait to read STOLEN HEAT.
And Emily, your contest to name the manservant for your work-in-progress was a STROKE OF GENIUS (sorry, couldn't resist the bad pun :). I'm looking forward to reading it when it comes out.
Hey Eli and Emily!!
Stolen Fury is one of my favorite books and has an honored place on my "keeper" shelf.
I'm heading to the bookstore this week to get my copy of STOLEN HEAT and I can't wait!!! I love reunion stories, but can't think of any off the top of my small brain. LOL
Congrats on your latest release, Eli. I can't wait to read Shane's story after I read STOLEN HEAT!!! Yay!!! I'm sooo glad you're published. Next stop-NYT #1 Best Seller-- piece-a-cake!!
I like reunion stories and am reading Loretta Chase's newest where the hero and heroine knew each other as children and are now reunited as adults.
Congrats on your new release. Can't wait to read it!
Hi Emily & Elizabeth,
Congrats on your new book Stolen Heat! I love a good romantic suspence.
I never used to think that I would like reunion stories because I always felt left out of the beginning of the romance, and new love is always exciting, but recently I have read a few really good ones where I felt that finding love again was the most important part, overcoming the past differences, and how you grow as a person can make a really compelling love story. One that I recently read and loved was Laid Bare by Lauren Dane.
I would love to win Stolen Heat!
Thanks, Alice! That's as good as air-brushing can make me look!LOL!
Genene--I had such fun with the STROKE OF GENIUS Name a Character contest. I'm scrambling to come up with another reader participation-style game for us to play on my website. Let me know if you have a STROKE OF GENIUS!
Booklover--I was trying to think of a reunion story and it suddenly hit me that my VEXING THE VISCOUNT was one, too. Daisy and Lucian knew each other as children and "didn't get on." I think that sort of reunion is easier to work through since presumably the parties involved have grown up since their parting. Working through issues that ripped you apart the last time is harder work for couples that met and parted as adults. Because as we all know, it's hard for adults to grow up.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to comment! Lovely to see some new faces!
Susan - yes. I had a scene in my head for STOLEN SEDUCTION that just didn't fit with the book. Though it would have fit the characters well. I was sad that I couldn't work it in, but I'm still happy with the way the final STOLEN book turned out, so it's okay. And who knows...I may find a way to make that scene work with different characters in a different book.
Thanks so much for the comment!
Hey Alice - thanks so much for coming by. You know you're my partner in crime. I can't wait to angst over a book with you again. LOL
Paty - thanks so much for the comment and for stopping by!
Jane - thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to check out Again The Magic.
Hi Genene - thanks for coming by. I hope you enjoy STOLEN HEAT!
Hey Piper - you are such a sweetie. :) There have been a few changes made to HEAT since you read it, so I hope you still enjoy it. Thanks for taking time to come by today!
Hi Maureen - let me know how you like Maureen's book. I love reunion stories.
Elissa - thanks so much!
Booklover - well said! That's why I love reunion stories as well. Thanks for the comment.
Thank you, Emily, for having me here today. It's been great fun!
I love stories with supersmart heroines - three of my faves are Amelia Peabody, Vicky Bliss, and Daphne (forget her last name but she's in 'Mr. Impossible'). So a heroine with PhD in archaeology sounds really good.
did you choose the titles for your books yourself?
I am positive that I bought Stolen Fury but now I can't find it! Guess I should clean. :(
How many books are you planning in the series?
M - I picked the title for the first book. My editor asked me for ideas and we brainstormed. The marketing department came up with the titles for the second two, but, I have to say, they fit really well.
Kytaira...LOL. I won't tell you how many times I've bought the same book. The most recent was one of Kresley Cole's. She had two covers there that were almost identical and I couldn't remember which one I'd read and which I hadn't.
As to your question...there are three books in the Stolen Trilogy. I don't have any more planned, though there are some secondary characters in those books who may show up in others. I'm working on a new adventure series now and I can think of 2-3 characters from the Stolen books I'd love to see as main characters in these. Hopefully my publisher agrees. ;)
Congrats on your new release looks like a great book and so does the first one if i win i would have to get the first one because i have not read your books but i'm looking ford to some day reading them.
Thanks for the comment, Stacey!
Good Morning everybody! Lots of folk stopped by after I hit the sack last night. I'll be chatting with Elisabeth today and we'll announce her winner here on Wednesday. Please be sure to drop back by!
Thanks for coming, Elisabeth and best wishes for your continued success!
Elisabeth, I just finished reading this book and like it so much. The scene in Stolen Fury when Peter thought about his lost love haunted me and make me read this book as soon as it released.
I actually wrote review about this book but it is in Thai language.
Hi May! One of the perks of being a bookseller, right?
FYI to the rest of my regular gang here: May was my roommate for RWA Nationals in DC and she is the only romance blogger in the Thai language on the planet! As well as being a totally lovely person.
Hi, May. Aw, thank you for that note. I'm thrilled to know you enjoyed STOLEN HEAT so much!!
Thanks for blogging about reunion stories. I'm writing one now, and this gives me more to think aobut. Yay!
Sorry I'm a day late, but...life happens. Still wanted to say thanks!
Emily, I love this sentence "the only romance blogger in the Thai language on the planet!".
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