I've done what I can this year in the way of preparation for the holidays. The tree is up. Presents are wrapped. Our oldest daughter has her plane ticket for Christmas Eve and we so look forward to her visit. I've spruced up my website with a little greenery. I've sent out my Christmas Newsletter. It features a lovely painting I saw at the National Gallery in London, along with my thoughts on what Christmas means to me. I've posted a FREE downloadable story for YOU called A Dragon Caern Christmas. I'm ready as I can be to celebrate.
And I'm ready as I can be for my surgery tomorrow. On Sunday, my pastor and friends from my church choir prayed with me. I've been inundated with promises of prayers and well-wishes from readers and writing friends. I know writers are supposed to be good at describing things, but words are not cooperating when I try to explain how loved, how uplifted, how strengthened I feel by the outpouring of support I've received.
And how very humble and very blessed.
Thank you all.
I probably won't be able to post again until I return home, which will be in a little over a week. (Through the wonders of technology, I will be posting on The Chatelaines on Friday the 12th, but that's a little like a taped broadcast instead of a live post. However if you want to see my attempt at sketching, please pop over! It's good for a laugh!)
This next week, I'll be thinking of you, scurrying about, fighting traffic, getting set for your holiday celebration. I'll be lounging in bed, tucked in with warm blankies and hilarious books, letting them bring my meals on a tray, while I wait for my cute surgeon to come back with good news. :)
All I want for Christmas is clear lymph nodes!
Good luck Emily! I'll be thinking about you :) Love the new blog at Chatelaines, and aren't you lucky you got a cute doctor?
Hey, sweetie! We'll raise a toast to you tonight at the Eastside party and wish you successful surgery, happy news, and good drugs. Miss having you here for the party!
I'll miss seeing you all at Eastside tonight, but then since I live a continent away, I'd miss you anyway. Have fun for me, Shannon!
Thanks, Eliza. I'm glad you're enjoying the Chatelaines. They are a terrific group of writers and an even more terrific group of friends.
Yeah, I lucked out with the cute doctor. Unfortunately at my pre-op appointment today, I didn't spot any good-looking male nurses in case I need a sponge bath! :)
I'm praying for you Emily.
Get Well Soon!
Praying that you get your wish, Emily. Your hubby just let us know that you're safely out of surgery, and we'll keep tuned for more on your progress. Get well!
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