I'm visiting with the gals over at KillerFiction today. I'll be giving away another copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT to someone who leaves a comment or question.
We're talking about killing the editor. Hope to see you there. I could use more partners in crime!
I'm thrilled to share that DISTRACTING THE DUCHESS has been nominated for an RT REVIEWERS CHOICE AWARD! My hero, Trevelyn Deveridge, was tapped for a BEST K.I.S.S. (Knight in Shining Silver) AWARD. The winner will be announced at the RT Convention in Orlando this April, but I'm tickled to pieces even to be nominated! If the RITAs are romance's Oscars, RT REVIEWERS CHOICE is the equivalent of an Emmy.
My 50day/50blog VEXING THE VISCOUNT Tour rolls on today with another chance to win a VEXING THE VISCOUNT. I'll be at www.jkcoi.blogspot.com talking about 4 methods for writing a novel. Hope to see you there!
Today, I'm visiting the one and only non-romance blog on my tour. It's Minds Alive On the Shelves and when I was setting up the tour, I was so taken with the blog's title, I had to contact the owner, Lisa.
I've never heard a better description of what a book is--"a mind alive on the shelf." Lisa doesn't read romance, but she's a really good sport, so please come on over and comment so I can enter you in my daily drawing for a signed copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT. It'll give Lisa a chance to meet some romance readers and a chance for us to check out some of the non-romance titles she's reviewed. Minds Alive On the Shelves It's a great blog!
My 50day/50blog VEXING THE VISCOUNT tour is having a random day over a CraveMoreRomance. Leave a comment or a random question at CraveMoreRomance for a chance to win a FREEVEXING THE VISCOUNT!
TTYS, Emily PS. If you want to join my wild ride through cyberspace, check my schedule at www.emilybryan.com so you'll never miss a moment!
Today I'll be at TheRomance Studio talking about Daisy Drake's use of fashion to gently deceive Lucian Beaumont, our hero in VEXING THE VISCOUNT, into letting her help him find the Roman treasure he seeks. And you've guessed it! It's all about . . . the SHOES!
Come on over and leave a comment or question. You'll be entered in a daily drawing to win a signed copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT!
PS. Yesterday's winner at WildOnBooks was . . . MARIE! Please contact me through www.emilybryan.com with your mailing info!
Sometimes, as the old Scottish saying goes, the best laid plans 'oftimes gang awry.' I was supposed to be at WildOnBooks today. I even swapped emails with them last night, but can't seem to raise anyone today. Technical difficulties, I guess. I so understand that, being the anti-techno queen, myself. If I hear from them, we can move the party over to their house, but for now, we'll camp here!
Jan 26 1:52 PM EST
HUZZAH! We are live at WildOnBooks Please pop over and join me for some CHINESE NEW YEAR Fun!
Today, Jan 26th, I'm celebrating CHINESE NEW YEAR over at www.blog.wildonbooks.com . I'm even revealing a secret recipe guarateed to charm a man's socks off. (At least it works at my house!) Hope to see you there!
As of 8:50AM EST, my post wasn't up yet, but I've put in a good word with the blogmistress and I'm sure it will be there soon. Please keep checking!
AuthorsAndBooks is a terrific group blog that I happen to belong to, so please be sure to bookmark the site. Today, I'm talking about making my characters more real using a web of connectedness with other characters. Oh! and I'm giving a shout out to my sister Cindy today. It's her birthday, so I've done the sisterly thing and embarrassed her on the web!
Daisy Drake, our heroine in VEXING THE VISCOUNT, is seen here reading Mlle. Blanche La Tour's very explicit memoirs of her life as a courtesan. Take it from Daisy. Reading Is So Much Fun!
Today my 50day/50blog VEXING THE VISCOUNT tour is visiting www.ReadingIsSoMuchFun.blogspot.com! I need your help casting my virtual VISCOUNT movie and you'll score another chance to win a VISCOUNT of your own when you leave a comment or question. Hope to see you there!
My friends Michelle & Mandy have a new release today and they've been kind enough to send me a little blurb about it!
Pleasure Island by Michelle Pillow & Mandy Roth NEW! From Ellora’s Cave ~ Jan 23, 2009
A tropical island that’s seen better days. A downed plane. A marooned boat. And two gorgeous supernaturals who’ll stop at nothing to claim their mates.
Jurgen wants Annette in the worst—or best—way, and he intends to make her his. Finding a way to get off the island can wait until he’s shown her all the pleasures to be found with a shapeshifter mate who’ll stop at nothing to ensure she’s his—forever.
Keoni thinks all his fantasies have come true when a half-naked Christy flounders in the water beside his boat. Being unexpectedly marooned on a sinking island in the middle of nowhere gives him the perfect opportunity to get down and dirty with the sexy lady of his dreams.
If you have questions for Michelle or Mandy, please leave them here and I'll make sure they get back to you!
My 50day/50blog VEXING THE VISCOUNT tour is at WeWriteRomance
Here's what the reviewer at WeWrite Romance had to day about VEXING THE VISCOUNT:
"...not your ordinary historical romance.""Emily Bryan's Vexing the Viscount is not your ordinary historical romance. It's fresh, well written and chalked full of the unexpected, the spectacular, and the intriguing. If you're not drawn in by the heroine and her fiesty nature in the first few pages, you're obviously not a true historical romance fan."
Welcome! My 50day/50blog tour is stopping here at my house today! I'm so glad you could join me. As you can see, I'm pretty laid back. Please make yourself at home. Check out the video library (My YouTube BookTrailers are posted along the right side of the blog) and once you're done here, visit some of my favorite blogs.
As soon as people learn I'm a writer, these questions almost always follow. I thought I'd answer them here.
Where do you find your story ideas?
They find me. Maybe it's a bit of historical research. A painting that begs a question. A strain of music that starts a story scrolling in my mind. A character that steps out of my subconscious and demands I tell her story. Once I have a kernel of an idea, I play with it, develop it, test it to see if it matters enough to propel me for 400 pages.
Why do you write under 2 different names?
Because I like having to maintain two websites. Just kidding. The suggestion to use two names came from my editor since the style of writing is so different for each name.I write sexy, light-hearted historical romance as Emily Bryan and dramatic epics as Diana Groe.
Have you always wanted to be a writer?
No, though I've always been a voracious readers and was intrigued by the writing process. I've been--hang on!--a professional opera singer, a teacher, a choir director, a home-schooling mom, a realtor and a banker. My daughters say I'm a Renaissance Woman--I've done a bit of everything.
Now, I'm a writer.
Guess I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up.
Publishing is such a competitive business. How did you sell your first manuscript?
With a good bit of luck! I realized early on that I didn't want to just have a book published. I wanted a writing career. That meant I needed an agent. After winning a few writing contests, I attracted an agent who shopped my work out. She sold my work to Leah Hultenschmidt at Dorchester and I've been blessed to have terrific editorial support ever since.
Unfortunately, my agent has suffered some health problems and is closing down her agency. Once again, I find myself without representation. I will miss her terribly and will never forget that she was the first publishing professional who gave me hope.
Now, I have to start the agent hunt once again.
Now wait a minute! You're already published. What do you need with an agent?
While it's true that I have a very good working relationship with my editor, I really don't want to have to haggle with her over the details of my contract. I'd rather keep my collaboration with Leah on an artistic footing.
Why do you write those type of books? (This question is usually accompanied by an eye roll and is typically asked by someone who knows me, goes to church with me, knows my kids, and has at least one of my books tucked under their arm)
The obvious answer is so YOU will buy them.
But the subtext of the question is 'Why do you write books with explicit sex scenes in them?'
The answer to that is that I write about life. All of life. Every scene in my books must serve the story. And I can't tell my characters' story without telling all of it.
What advice do you have for beginning writers?
Write everyday. Creativity is a muscle. It will grow stronger with regular exercise. Read about the craft. Attend workshops and writers seminars. Find critique partners you trust. Don't quit. If I can do it, you can do it. Good luck!
I'm giving away copy of Vexing the Viscount today to one lucky commenter. If you're a writer, what question do you regularly get asked? If you're a reader, is there something about writing you've been dying to know but were afraid to ask?
The 50day/50blog VEXING THE VISCOUNT tour marches on to Ashley Ladd's Blog.
I give some tongue-in-cheek advice on how to AVOID publication, post another excerpt from VEXING THE VISCOUNT, and Ashley asked me to share some of my fantasies. Hope to see you there!
This intriguing video is from my friend Rowena Cherry's newest release, KNIGHT'S FORK. For those of you who are techno-saavy, Ro has also sent me a way for you to download an mp3 of the prologue and sample chapter.
Transitions of Power, shotgun Royal Weddings, high stakes duels… other set piece events
I watch inaugurations, state funerals, televised inquisitions, and contentious parliamentary proceedings with predatory interest. They are grist for the mills of my imagination.
My novels deal with self-styled gods, double-dealing World leaders, back stabbing, political intrigue, assassination plots, disastrous matings, and more. In Forced Mate, an heir to the throne of an intergalactic superpower abducts a virtuous young woman whom he hopes will be a suitable breeding mate. Her true-hearted fiancé goes to great lengths to rescue her… and so two Kings race to be the first to make a pawn into their Queen.
Of course, Djinni-vera (meaning "true-jinn") is nobody's pawn.
Insufficient Mating Material took up the story, with forced identity-changing surgery on the loser of the climactic duel between the two "Kings" (speaking in chess metaphors) at the end of Forced Mate, and a shotgun Royal wedding intended to saddle the loser with a political liability wife who would make him forever unelectable.
I'm an incorrigible champion of the underdog, so my sympathies were with the liability wife, especially after she was shot down in her ballgown and marooned on a deserted tropical island with an arrogant and angry survivalist.
My first draft of Knight's Fork began with a state funeral… I had "Four weddings and a funeral" in mind as a theme for my series, which concluded with Knight's Fork.
Four? Yes! There was the prequel, Mating Net, only available as an e-book, but which I will shortly be recording as an audio download. An ambitious princess throws out lures and uses underhand tactics to make sure that the Prince of her dreams goes through with an arranged marriage to her, but she is caught in an Emperor's "mating net".
My editor didn't feel that the State Funeral was sufficiently romantic, so I wound the clock back to the scene of a royal murder. The corpse is still awaiting burial… may never be buried! but it is on ice. As is some very dangerous semen. I like to leave a few explosive ingredients lying around, not because I want to tease my readers, but because a writer –like a lawyer—needs a few loopholes.
A great piece of advice I was given was always to start a story at the moment that life changes for either the hero, heroine, or villain. Most funerals aren't life changing events! Being a party to murder probably is.
An Inauguration might be, but arguably, the real life changer is winning the election. I shall have to think about that, because I do have a hero who might achieve high elected office one day.
This excerpt from Knight's Fork was the result of a burst of research which took me from the protocol for State Visits to the White House (with a few excursions into jokes about Presidents with a common touch, Royal guests, and horse drawn carriages) to the workings of the Royal Household at Buckingham Palace, including the Palace's situations vacant advertisements, and job descriptions for the various open positions.
I love research! However, the key to research is to use only what is absolutely necessary. Personally, I prefer to compare the research that shows up in a book to the fin of a shark in the surfline rather than to the tip of an iceberg. Why? In both cases, the observer knows that there's a much greater bulk of research out of sight.
Chapter Eight
The Orb Constellation The Volnoth State Peacemaker Grand Gala Floor
"First, we are not under attack," the Master of the King's Household told his audience. "We have entered Tigron Imperial space with Crown Prince Tarrant-Arragon's permission. Therefore, whether we see them or not, we are being shadowed and observed by two Imperial war-stars.
"We have received word from His Potency that we must react with appropriate humility, owing to an unfortunate misunderstanding in the An'Koori dodecahedron with one of our expeditionary fleets, which is now missing. Therefore, if Imperial fighting craft ping our Bridge screens or viewports, every individual will turn a grayish shade of pink, retract genitalia, face the viewports, and hold up their palms—so!"
He demonstrated the position that displayed the bareness of hands, and hid flat nipples. "Bodies will then be bent from the midsection. Thus.
"Secondly, the Royal Barges have not yet been sighted, but will both be coming from the direction of the Eurydycean dodecahedron. Either or both of Their Potencies may join us at any time.
"We have just over six orbits of spacetime before His Potency, the King, and Her Imperial Highness, the Queen, are scheduled to convene for an extraordinary mating. As you know, we have not hosted an Orgy of State in non-Volnoth space before. Our solemnities have attracted some unwelcome curiosity and interest."
In view of the high visibility and extreme importance of the mating, he had chosen not to say "less than seven orbits." Negativity might encourage panic and frenzy, rather than the desired sense of calm urgency.
"Crown Prince Tarrant-Arragon has threatened to send an observer."
Just behind the Master, with his skin covered in somber hues and subdued starry effects, stood the Continuum Marshal of Stars, Astronomer Royal. To his side, similarly patterned, were the King's astrologer and the Queen's astrologer.
The more pageantry and rigid, unquestioning adherence to The Way It Is Done, the greater likelihood there was of ridicule and rational skepticism in All The Communicating Worlds, if the mating did not go well.
"As the Astronomer Royal has explained," the Master resumed, in case his audience of pages, ushers, grooms, and bed makers had not paid sufficient attention, "the Astrologer to the King and the Astrologer to the Queen, in consultation with the Apothecary to the Queen, have revealed that the Constellation of Orb has the most propitious cosmic influences for fecundity."
He inclined his upper body respectfully to the star-seers.
"The Apothecary in attendance on Her Imperial Highness, the Queen, has reported that, with absolute correctitude, the Queen will conceive."
With absolute correctitude was a caveat. Even jumble-mumble had to have a back door. Three hundred documented informal matings had not worked. Five Orgies of State had not achieved "absolute correctitude." Thus, Their Majesties' advisors had decided that fertility was a question of "location, location, location."
Either that, or Her free-roving Highness, the Queen, couldn't get back to Volnoth in time—and therefore, the Court, representative Members of the government, the gentlepersons of the news media, His Potency the King, and the Household were obliged to put a very good face on meeting her halfway.
Courtiers would not put a good face on being extraordinarily inconvenienced for very much longer. Fond as His Potency the King was of his Queen, sooner or later he would have to see that an accident to the Queen's Barge would be a relief.
The Master of the Household felt a warm glow of pleasure-coloration begin to spread across the vertical folds of his throat. The concept of an Orgy of State was calculated to put pressure on the King.
"An extra refinement has been added to the performance," he warned, so the courtiers would have plenty of time to get over their shock and disgust before either the King's Stargoer or the Queen's Barge docked with the ponderous Peacemaker of State. "The female orgasm artists will wear false hairy pieces on their heads, so the Queen is better able to identify with them. They have also been selected for their ability to voluntarily color-darken their groins with streaks and swirls to mimic the Queen's alien appearance.
"Questions?" he asked, anticipating none. "No? Excellent!"
He ignored the one young thing who had not yet learned to subdue her signals of dissent and go with the tidalflow. It suited the Queen's enemies to stress her alienness. Fortunately, no one of importance had the poor taste to admit that they'd noticed the Queen's groin recently.
Thank you. I'd love to answer questions about research, my books, my videos, or what I like about Facebook… or anything else.
Carpe Scrotum. Seize life by the testicles! The Queen needs a sperm donor. "Helen of Troy" in deep space.
"If you've made up your mind to impale someone, do it with conviction." ~Rhett, Knight’s Fork
"I think Rowena's true skill is that she weaves this intricate world of aliens and sex just the same way J.K. Rowling weaves th e world of Wizards."~Des DiFabio, bookclubqueen Buy-KnightsFork
Thanks for stopping by Ro. Please leave your comments or questions for Rowena. I'm sure she'd love to hear from YOU!
Today I'm blogging at NightOwl Romance and as an added treat, NOR has just posted a fabulous review of VEXING THE VISCOUNT.
"You will simply have to pick up this wonderful novel. . .Believe you me, this one is simply too delicious to miss! Fun, fresh, romantic, passion filled and yes even adventurous. This one has it all. Emily Bryan pens outstanding romances that are far from the norm and leave you longing for more. I didn’t want this one to end and I can’t wait to get my hands on her next novel. She has fast moved her way up my list of favorite authors and once you read her books I am positive that she will on be on yours as well!"
Heroes . . . we love them. I'm talking about why at YankeeRomanceReviewers today. And as a special treat, Lucian Beaumont, my hero from VEXING THE VISCOUNT drops by to talk about what it's like to walk the hero's path.
Drop by and share your favorite fictional hero and you may be the next winner of a FREE copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT
Like a lot of authors, I write under two pen names, Emily Bryan and Diana Groe. My Emily tales are light-hearted and (blush) sexier. The tone of my Diana Groe stories is much darker. If I can borrow an opera analogy, my Diana Groe books are grand opera. Emily Bryan is Gilbert and Sullivan with sex!
Today the gals at Risky Regencies grill me about my split writer's personality. Come on over and leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT!
Nocturne and Dorchester historical author Bonnie Vanak is hosting my blog tour today. We're talking about secondary characters who refuse to stay in the background. I spotlight Isabella Wren--a former courtesan and now Lady Wexford. Bonnie has also posted a picture of me in my opera singing days (No, that gorgeous creature in the mask is not me.) But I played lots of courtesans on the stage--opera is filled with these soiled doves who, despite their good hearts and high C's, meet a tragic end.
Sure am glad I write romance now. I do so love happy endings.
Yesterday, Jan. 15th, I guestblogged on Rowena Cherry's Blog. The topic was ebooks vs print. I learned quite a bit about ebooks. I'll be looking more seriously at getting a reader. My DH is a techno-junkie and loves new gadgets, so I'm sure he'd be able to walk me through using one the five or six hundred times it would take for me to learn.
And my DH has decided to reward the early bird from yesterday. TETEWA, you are my January 15th winner! Please contact me through www.emilybryan.com with your mailing info.
The blog tour rolls on and today I'm at two websites, both owned by paranormal author Shiela Stewart. At DarkCravings I'll be posting a bit about the Roman Britain side of the story, the ancient love tale that inspired the theft of the treasure Daisy and Lucian are seeking. BookCoverLovers celebrates my beautiful cover art. I just checked and at 8AM EST my posts aren't up yet, but I'm sure they will be soon. Please join me for another chance to win a copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT . . . in the print version, of course!
I'm visiting at Rowena Cherry's blog today (Yes, that is her REAL name! No romance writer jokes, please!). The topic is ebooks vs print, and I'd love your imput on which e-reader you prefer if you've tried one.
This is a timely topic for writers and readers alike. The economy is forcing print publishers to rethink their business model. Dorchester, my publisher, just announced that all their 2008 releases will be available in e-format as well as print. And as much of their backlist as they have e-rights for, will be released electronically.
It's a sign of the times and I'd love to hear what YOU think. Please join me at Rowena Cherry's Blog
I'm talking about villains. Whether brutally evil or sly and calculating, they stand between our hero or heroine and their heart's desire. There'd be no story without them.
Please join me on the next stop on my tour for more fun and another chance to win a copy of Vexing the Viscount. I'm at Kelli Estes' Blog. I'm talking about villains today and yes! there is another excerpt. Hope to see YOU soon!
Today you have 2 chances to WIN a copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT! I'll be at RaineDelight's Blog and MandyRoth's Blog. There's a different post on each site. I tell about my path to publishing at Raine Delight's site and on Mandy Roth's blog I talk about the plight of women during the Georgian Era and why some women made a conscious choice to become a courtesan. Please pop by both blogs and post a comment to enter the drawing!
Seems like there's always a point in every trip where you veer off course for a bit. I'm still not sure quite what happened today, but last time I checked, my blogpost was not up on my host's site. I've been swapping emails with Anita and I know she's working on it. Please pop over to her site anyway and say hi anyway!
But the 50day/50blog Vexing the Viscount Tour rolls on and it's rolling on RIGHT HERE! I promised you a fun blog post, so here goes:
Today we’re going to play a game. I’m stealing it shamelessly from my friend Lori Philbin, but it’s just too much fun and I know she’ll forgive me. It’s called the STATUS MODULE GAME.
If you have a MySpace, Facebook, Twitter page, etc, you know the fun of mini-blogging, posting just 150 characters or so on your status bar. It’s random and odd and makes people wonder what you’re up to. Here’s how to play.
STATUS GAME RULES: * Grab the book closest to you. NOW. * Go to page 63. * Find the last complete sentence. * Write that sentence as YOUR status. * COPY these instructions as a comment to your status. (Of course if you want to mention the Title of the Book and the Author, I'm sure they'll appreciate it!) * Don't go looking for your favorite book, or the coolest one you have - just grab the closest one.
And as luck would have it, the closest book I have is VEXING THE VISCOUNT! At the bottom of page 63, Daisy Drake says:
“One wonders when they found time to conquer the world.”
Makes you wonder what came before, doesn’t it. When you post a comment today, post your best guess about what Daisy and Lucian are doing when she says this. Or share the last complete sentence on the bottom of page 63 of the book nearest you. As always, I’ll be giving away a copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT to one random commenter so it doesn’t matter if you guess correctly or not. You’re still in the drawing if you comment.
And for extra fun, if you have a myspace, facebook, twitter, etc, it would really help me out if you would post “One wonders when they found time to conquer the world.” in your status module. Please let me know if you do. Thanks.
That's a quote from my heroine Daisy Drake. Want to know what she's talking about? I'm playing the STATUS GAME today at www.anitabirtstoryteller.blogspot.com. Come on over and play with us. It's fun. It's free. And you just might win a copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT!
4:40 PM UPDATE-I just traded emails with Anita and she is having some computer gremlins today. Since I'm the anti-techno queen, I totally understand. Let's give her till 5:30 to tame the little beasties, but if she hasn't routed them by then, the tour will roll on right from HERE! Either way, I AM GOING TO GIVE AWAY A VEXING THE VISCOUNT TODAY!
I'm still giving away one copy of Vexing the Viscount today, but only one. So if you want to increase your odds, post an original comment on each blogsite. That way, you'll be entered in the single drawing several times.
Today I'm blogging with Colleen Thompson and Joni Rodgers at Boxing the Octopus. The theme of this terrific blog is the "many-tentacled beast that is the writing life." I blog about what happens when an author's ability to write is 'interrupted.'
I'm having a ball on my blog tour. Come on over and join the party! Be sure to leave a comment for your chance to win a VEXING THE VISCOUNT! I'm giving a shiny new copy away every day!
Today, I'm blogging with Shelley Munro. When my oldest daughter when to Europe on a class trip a few years ago, she assured me the most handsome men on the planet live in Rome. She's the independent-minded sort, so when someone pinched her on the bus, she was ready to let him have it.
"But when I turned around," she confided to me, "he just smiled at me and he was sooooooo cute, I just couldn't be mad at him. Besides, when in Rome . . . "
Ah! Italian men! So pop on over to Shelley Munro's Blog to learn more about why my heroine Daisy is head-over-heels for Lucian.
I'm guestblogging at http://www.adeledubois.com/blog/ today, talking about my first visit to Dorchester's impressive offices in the heart of Manhattan. The business end of books is fascinating and the good folk at Dorchester are like a well-oiled machine, cranking so many new titles out each month. I only have to worry about a couple of releases a year. My editor, Leah Hultenschmidt, is responsible for dozens. Come along with me on a tour of Dorchester Publishing!
And please leave your comments and questions. My DH will be picking the daily winner of a shiny new VEXING THE VISCOUNT from among the commenters at http://www.adeledubois.com/blog/.
Today I met my oncologist for the first time and he is NOT recommending chemo in my case. Because of the biopsy report (22 negative nodes out of 22), he is confident my cute surgeon was able to remove all the cancer before it could pack its nasty little bags and go traveling!
Of course, my oncologist is going to monitor me closely for the next 5 years, but if I don't have a recurrence by then I'll be pronounced cured.
I am thrilled. When I called my mom (who is a breast cancer survivor herself--10 years now) she was ecstatic (though she had already picked out a wig for me. Fashion is how she copes). My DH is so excited that his life sentence with me has been extended, he may actually let me out of cooking for a while longer. At least until my incision heals.
Thank you all who have prayed for me or sent healing thoughts my way. I appreciate you all more than I can say. And for someone who wordsmiths all day, that's saying something. Bless you all.
Today I'm blogging at Ellen Ashe's Blog. Be sure to check the comment section because we're doing something a little different today. I'm inviting readers to peek into the mind of the French courtesan, Blanche La Tour and then tell me what they think.
I still have 46 copies of VEXING THE VISCOUNT to give away, so be sure to post a comment or question to be entered in the daily drawing!
Today I'm blogging about the state of the union--the romantic union, of course and which area of the US (or the world!) loves its romance most. Join me at VickyBurkholder's Blog to weigh in on this important issue!
And be sure to leave a comment. It's the only way to enter for a chance to win a FREE copy of Vexing the Viscount! Enjoy!
Yesterday in my guestblog post, I hinted at the naughty little card game Daisy and Lucian play in VEXING THE VISCOUNT. Today, I've posted an excerpt of part of the game at http://www.selenaillyriasthoughts.blogspot.com/.
Pop over for a peek and be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a Viscount of your own!
My first winner is Stacey from Redding, CA. All she did to win a FREE copy of Vexing the Viscount was comment on a post on my blog tour.
I'm blogging at MyBonnieRoseBlog today about making my Vexing the Viscount book trailer! And yes, I'll be giving away another free copy of Vexing the Viscount to one lucky commenter.