Like a lot of authors, I write under two pen names, Emily Bryan and Diana Groe. My Emily tales are light-hearted and (blush) sexier. The tone of my Diana Groe stories is much darker. If I can borrow an opera analogy, my Diana Groe books are grand opera. Emily Bryan is Gilbert and Sullivan with sex!

Today the gals at Risky Regencies grill me about my split writer's personality. Come on over and leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT!
Hi Emily,
I just came from Regency Romance and decided to check out your blog, and I can't believe you have one here today also--just like yesterday with two blogs! Whew! I guess promotion time could be considered a break from writing?
When I had first heard of your Diana Grow books from your interview a while back (which was the one you did along side Marliss Melton on CTR), I had gone to look for them in our local bookstore, which carries mostly new releases. I really wanted to read Erinsong. Unfortunately, they were not in stock. I really need to pay a visit to Borders or
B & N to find them.
See you tomorrow!
Since my Diana Groe books were published in 2006 and 2007, you'll probably have to have the bookstore order them. Or you can find them online at Amazon! Thanks for looking for my work!
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