Monday, January 12, 2009

The Status Game

Seems like there's always a point in every trip where you veer off course for a bit. I'm still not sure quite what happened today, but last time I checked, my blogpost was not up on my host's site. I've been swapping emails with Anita and I know she's working on it. Please pop over to her site anyway and say hi anyway!

But the 50day/50blog Vexing the Viscount Tour rolls on and it's rolling on RIGHT HERE! I promised you a fun blog post, so here goes:

Today we’re going to play a game. I’m stealing it shamelessly from my friend Lori Philbin, but it’s just too much fun and I know she’ll forgive me. It’s called the STATUS MODULE GAME.

If you have a MySpace, Facebook, Twitter page, etc, you know the fun of mini-blogging, posting just 150 characters or so on your status bar. It’s random and odd and makes people wonder what you’re up to. Here’s how to play.

* Grab the book closest to you. NOW.
* Go to page 63.
* Find the last complete sentence.
* Write that sentence as YOUR status.
* COPY these instructions as a comment to your status. (Of course if you want to mention the Title of the Book and the Author, I'm sure they'll appreciate it!)
* Don't go looking for your favorite book, or the coolest one you have - just grab the closest one.

And as luck would have it, the closest book I have is VEXING THE VISCOUNT! At the bottom of page 63, Daisy Drake says:

“One wonders when they found time to conquer the world.”

Makes you wonder what came before, doesn’t it. When you post a comment today, post your best guess about what Daisy and Lucian are doing when she says this. Or share the last complete sentence on the bottom of page 63 of the book nearest you. As always, I’ll be giving away a copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT to one random commenter so it doesn’t matter if you guess correctly or not. You’re still in the drawing if you comment.

And for extra fun, if you have a myspace, facebook, twitter, etc, it would really help me out if you would post “One wonders when they found time to conquer the world.” in your status module. Please let me know if you do. Thanks.

And the blog tour zips on! Thanks for joining me!


Anonymous said...

I guess they were digging for Roman artifact and must have found something.

Darcy C.

lindseye said...

I will try to post to myspace when I get home from work tonight but that will technically be tomorrow EST. I do no fiddle with myspace much and was unaware of the status bar comment.

I would guess Daisy was looking at something decorative a pottery shard or mural with something hedonistic showing making her wonder if they pursued so much pleasure how thay pulled themselves away to travel away from Rome.

Jane said...

My Status is "She shook her head as she walked around the marks again, visualizing the room when it had been filled with equipment." This is from Cherry Adair's "Night Shadow."

EmilyBryan said...

Very perceptive, Lindseye. Your guess is quite warm.

Anita Birt did get my post up on her site, if any of you would care to pop over and leave a note. I'm not very technical myself and I so sympathize with anyone who struggles with their computer.

EmilyBryan said...

Jane--I love Cherry Adair! She's an absolute hoot in person, too.

Anonymous said...

My Status is "Clawing at her throat she scrambled onto her knees, desperate to breathe, to survive." This is from "Shattered Vows" by Maggie Price.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the latter won, for he turned and stormed back to camp. This was from Elaine Levine's Rachel and the Hired Gun.

Anonymous said...

They were alone.

This is from Linda Howard's "Up Close and Dangerous."

Julie Robinson said...

My Status is: "Who had it been, Colin or Conor?"

This is from Veronica Woff's Warrior of the Highlands.

Emily, I just started a MySpace not too long ago, so it's pretty bare. ButI posted your sentence in the status bar. People will certainly wonder what I'm up to should they chance upon it!

I'm not too computer savvy, but this was fun and I'm learning.

Julie R.

Julie Robinson said...

Oops, that Veronica Wolff.

Nynke said...

Hmmm, my sentence would be "This might have considerable value where one was seeking to establish formal criteria for associating the work of scribes who had learnt their conventions in one and the same school or scriptorium - which all the Auchinleck scribes almost certainly did not."
I'm at work, and this is from a footnote in angus MacIntosh's Towards an Inventory of Middle English Scribes. I hardly know what it's about myself! :)

EmilyBryan said...

Anita finally got her computer gremlins sorted out. YAY! I always cheer when the human wins out over the 1's and 0's. So thank you to those who popped over to post on her site too!

Ok, when Daisy says, "One wonders when they found time to conquer the world." she and Lucian are reassembling a very naughty Roman mural. Roman art was sometimes very explicit and their life of the flesh was . . . adventurous, to say the least. Archaeologists were shocked at the "phallus cult" artwork they uncovered in Pompeii.

Hope you all enjoyed playing the Status Game! Kind of a mini-excerpt and they all sounded like intriguing reads(except maybe Nynke's. Sounds like the kind of research I do before I write. I studied the art of illuminating manuscripts before I wrote ERINSONG as Diana Groe)

My DH has chosen LINDSEYE as the daily winner of a copy of VEXING THE VISCOUNT. Please contact me through my website with your mailing info.

Today you have 2 chances to WIN! I'll be at RaineDelight's Blog and MandyRoth's Blog. There's a different post on each site so please pop by both!

Thanks again, Anita!