My publisher Dorchester has a new webmistress and she's just posted a new page featuring Author Contests. Contests are a great way to try out a new author, spend a little time on their website and see if there's something for you there! Oh, yeah, my quarterly contest spotlighting my free online novella A DUKE FOR ALL SEASONS is on the page! I am loving getting feedback on what direction the story should take for next month and unlike last month, the vote is very close! So if you haven't weighed in on whether or not Arabella should become Sebastian's mistress on his terms, please do.

Avon Books is giving away $1000 to the person who comes up with the best idea for a collection of Regency-set historical novellas. The novella collection will be titled It Happened One Season and the novellas will be written by best-selling authors Stephanie Laurens, Mary Balogh, Jacquie D’Alessandro and Candice Hern. You job is to come up with the theme of the stories and three major plot points.
Click here for more info. The deadline to enter is February 14.
But part of me is thinking, "If you can come up with a theme and three plot points, why not just write the story and submit it for publication?" If you follow my editor Leah Hultenschmidt on www.romanticreads.net you know Dorchester is engaged in an "acquisition frenzy" for their 2011 schedule.
Let me know if you enter some of the contests through the Dorchester or Avon site! Or are contests like book trailers (which I discovered last week make most of you yawn!)?
Thanks for all the links! Love your comment about the book trailers lol, guess it depends which book it's about. Have a great week!
Good morning, Muse!
Guess the "yawn" comment means I listen to my readers!
Hope your week is filled with things that make you happy!
hahaah, we must all listen to our muse at some time. Love the links. Thanks for posting all of this.
My pleasure, Nan. My goal is to make my blog a place where good times can be had . . . or linked to, at least.
Thanks Emily, Monday is my check out the web day! So I will hop on over to Dorchester and Avon. Wonderful ideas!
Jane--You have a whole day to web crawl? Cool. Let me know if you submit any ideas to Avon!
Thanks for the information Emily, something for me to ponder.
Enjoy, Glynnis!
Emily, I have an idea, but seriously I am torn between should I or should I chance writing it myself and really polishing and submitting it to my dream publisher! Seems weird to me. I dont know what do you think?? I am not a Regency style writer and it would be a ton of work. But UGH!! Help Emily!!!
Jane, if you don't want to write a Regency (and it's a special case because the regency readership is so sophisticated, you have to get the details right!) why not submit the idea? If they don't accept it, you might still want to develop it yourself.
The thing is, there are lots of scenarios that might work in a different setting that won't fly in Regency. For example, you can't have an adopted son inherit a title because adoption wasn't legal in England till the mid-20th century. (Fostering was common, but not adoption. It's all about the bloodlines, you know!)
Or a couple can't marry for convenience with the idea that after the crisis they'll get an annulment, because the legal reasons to obtain one were so tightly controlled (example: impotence, incest, a whole laundry list of things people wouldn't want to admit to publicly.)
If you have an idea, and don't want to commit to writing in the Regency, I'd say give the contest a shot.
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