Thanks so much, Emily, for having me over for a visit on launch day. I’m so excited to see this book hitting the digital streets today. Fatal Affair opens on the day of a very important vote in the career of U.S. Senator John O’Connor. The immigration bill he co-sponsored is headed to the Senate floor, and he is late for work—again. His chief of staff, Nick Cappuano, goes to fetch him and finds him murdered in his bed.
One of the biggest challenges in this book was writing a central character who is found dead on page one. I had to give John O’Connor a life, a past, a personality, and failings. I had to make him sympathetic while at the same time creating a motive for murder. John became a multi-dimensional character who only appeared on the page in the occasional flashback or memory, but he plays a central role in the book.
His murder serves to reunite Nick with his one-night stand from six years earlier, Detective Sergeant Sam Holland, who is assigned to John’s case. So now on top of grappling with the loss of his friend and boss, Nick is also forced to confront a blast from his romantic past—a woman he has never forgotten.
The idea for this story was sparked by a news story about a U.S. congressman who was found dead in his Washington home. At first, the case was investigated as a homicide, but it soon became clear that the congressman suffered a heart attack and fell down the stairs. The Fatal Series has allowed me to combine my love of romance and politics with a long-time fascination with true crime stories. The second book, Fatal Justice, continues Sam and Nick’s story. It’s due out in January from Carina.
Some questions for readers: What do you think of series that feature the same couple in every book? How do you feel about a little politics with your romance? I’ll give a copy of Fatal Affair to one respondent today. Thanks again for having me, Emily!
Buy Fatal Affair today at http://ebooks.carinapress.com.
About Fatal Affair:
On the morning of the most important vote of Senator John O’Connor’s career he is late—again. His best friend and chief of staff, Nick Cappuano sets off to O'Connor’s apartment expecting to roust him from bed and hoping he is alone. But what Nick finds is that O’Connor, the handsome, amiable Senator from Virginia, has been brutally murdered, and Nick’s world comes crashing down around him. Complicating the disaster, the detective assigned to the case is none other than Sam Holland, Nick’s one-night stand from six years earlier, the woman who broke his heart and haunts his dreams. With six years worth of unfinished business hanging between them and more than a few scores to settle personally and professionally, Nick and Sam set out to find the senator's killer while trying—and failing—to resist the overwhelming attraction between them that seems to have only grown over the years.
It soon becomes clear that the senator’s past holds secrets that not only led to his death but now endanger Nick and Sam as well. Working together to find a killer and to rediscover the love they thought they lost long ago, they must put the past behind them and build a future that offers a world of new opportunities for both of them—including an offer from the Virginia Democrats for Nick to finish the last year of John’s term.
And about me:
Marie Force’s first romantic suspense, FATAL AFFAIR, is out today from Carina Press. Book 2 in the Fatal Series, FATAL JUSTICE, is coming in January from Carina. She is also the author of LINE OF SCRIMMAGE and LOVE AT FIRST FLIGHT. Of LINE OF SCRIMMAGE, Booklist said, “With its humor and endearing characters, Force’s charming novel will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers, reaching far beyond sports fans.” Wild on Books said, “LOVE AT FIRST FLIGHT by Marie Force is most definitely a keeper. It is an astounding book. I loved every single word!” A third contemporary, EVERYBODY LOVES A HERO, is due out Feb. 1, 2011. Since 1996, Marie has been the communications director for a national organization similar to the Romance Writers of America. She is a member of RWA’s New England, From the Heart, Beau Monde and Published Author Special Interest Chapters. While her husband was in the Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland and Florida, and is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island. She is the mother of two children and a feisty dog named Brandy. Find her at www.mariesullivanforce.com, on her blog at http://mariesullivanforce.blogspot.com, on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pages/Marie-Force/248130827909 and on Twitter at twitter.com/MarieForce. Marie loves to hear from readers. Contact her at marie@marieforce.com.
Emily here again! Be sure to leave a comment or question for Marie today. She's giving away a free download of FATAL AFFAIR to once lucky commenter!
Hi Marie,
Congrats on your new release. I hope you sell tons of books. It sounds very intriguing. There is nothing as exciting as a new release. Enjoy the ride.
Thanks for coming by Christie! Appreciate your congrats!
Marie, your book sounds really interesting! Congratulations on your release. I really, really enjoy continuing series, and quite frankly haven't read anything in ages that was political, so I think I'll love it! It will be fresh and new for me.
Are you enjoying you Carina experience? I'm hearing all sorts of positive buzz around the web. And have your experiences living around the world affected your choice of writing genre?
Marie, this book sounds fantastic! I'm going on vacation to Little Compton in a week, and I'm bringing your book! I'm so happy it's available as an e-book so I can download onto my Kindle..yay!
Hi Marie,
I love nothing better than political mystery. I'm opinionated when it comes to anything political. lol However, I do try to give politicans a break because it's hard work in spite of what most people think.
The idea of the same couple throughout a series reminds me of J.D. Robb's series. Go for it.
Fatal Affair sounds like a great book, Marie! Congrats on your release day birthday from a fellow Carina Press author. :)
I like continuing characters as long as the author keeps them interesting, which is easier to do, I think, in a suspense/mystery genre. I'm looking forward to reading Fatal Force...which reminds me, I better go see what Carina Press is offering new this morning!
Shannon McKelden
Hi, Marie. Suspense, romance, intrigue, and a murder. Wow, that's quite a packed and exciting plot! Congrats on the release of your book and the upcoming ones in the series.
You said that you got the idea from a news story. Did you immediately think of writing a suspense or did it have to simmer awhile in your mind? How do you get ideas for your books?
Aloha from Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH) - Air Force side! Thank you for supporting your husband's career in the Navy! Did any of your military experiences influence your writing or story?
Hi Gillian,
Great questions! I am LOVING Carina. Everyone on their team is super professional and savvy. I have learned a lot from them, and look forward to continuing to work with them on the Fatal Series. To anyone thinking of submitting to Carina, I say go for it. I have become a total e-book convert watching this experience unfold. :-)
My experiences living overseas haven't really played much of a role in what I write. I am so glad, however, that I got to to do it. It's great to be settled back at home in Rhode Island, but I loved my time in Spain, Maryland and Florida. Working for a DC-based company definitely provided me with info I wouldn't have had otherwise for Fatal Affair.
Thanks for coming by! Hope you enjoy Fatal Affair!
Thanks for taking Fatal Affair on vacation with you! You'll be directly across the river from me in Little Compton. Enjoy! It's beautiful there!
Hi Sandy,
I am very politically opinionated, too. In fact, a few times my editor has said to me, you just CAN'T say that. Snort! Good thing I have her looking out for me! So glad you enjoy seeing the same couple anchoring a series. I knew there were readers out there who'd love this idea, and I'm so glad I was right about that. I've had nothing but positive responses to the series idea from readers. Thanks for coming by today!
Nice to see you here! Congrats on your deal with Carina. Fatal Force--glad I didn't have Diet Coke in the mouth when I read that one! Love it! Hope you enjoy Fatal Affair and thanks for coming by today!
Hi Deb,
Great questions. I remember reading about the congressman who'd died at home and being immediately inspired by the what if--what if he'd been murdered? Who would have jurisdiction? What would the ramifications be? Who might be sent to look for him when he didn't show up for work? All of those questions informed the central premise of Fatal Affair. The rest--characters, situations, settings, etc.--came from those initial questions.
I find that ideas are everywhere if you're actively looking for them. You have to be open to them and always asking, what if? I used to worry about running out of ideas. Now I worry about living long enough to write all my ideas! :-)
Thanks for coming by and I hope you enjoy Fatal Affair!
Hi Kim,
My husband is a proud retired Navy chief. I enjoyed 9 years as a Navy wife before he retired. I can't say that my "time in the military" influenced by writing. But the places I got to go with him definitely added to my collective knowledge of the world. People ask me why I didn't start writing books 20 years ago. I always say it's because I had nothing to say then. I think you have to get out there and live a little before you have enough to bring to the page. At least that's been my experience!
Lucky you to live in Hawaii. Hope you're loving it! I'd love to get there one of these days. Thanks for coming by today!
Hi Marie,
Congrats on the new book. It sounds like a great read. I like the mystery and excitement of a political thriller. Throw in a good romantic story line and I'm a happy reader.
Hi Mary,
I think Fatal Affair will satisfy all your requirements! :-) Enjoy and thanks for coming by!
Hey, Marie, I'm a bit on the fence about the same hero/heroine in multiple books. I usually prefer to finish their story in one book, but if they're REALLY good, don't mind another story just to get more.
Line of Scrimmage was donated by Sourcebooks to the WisRWA conference as a giveaway to our attendees, and it was highly recommended by a friend, and I LOVED the book!
This one sounds just as good. :)
Hi Stacy,
So glad to hear you loved Line of Scrimmage! I hope you find Nick and Sam good enough to follow their adventures through multiple books!
Sorry, Stacey. I spelled your name wrong! LONG day! :-)
Hi Marie and Emily, Congrats on your new release with Carina. As a reader, I love Carina and think it’s going to be a huge success for all you authors!!!
As far as the same main couple throughout a series?...I only have one series I’ve been reading for years and absolutely adore that meets this premise (Outlander by DG). I look forward to each new book and finding out what’s going on in Jamie and Claire’s life. As a reader, the only drawback I see with this type of series is the wait between books, the cliffhangers and the ever increasing secondary characters that you fall in love with. You want more Jamie/Claire….but also want more story about everyone else...and a book can only be sooooo long????
I also love a book series about a family. One series I read years ago that I’ve never forgotten is The MacGregors by Nora Roberts. The main couple is present in each book, yet each story is primarily about their offspring. Just loved MacGregor and his meddling ways!!
Either way, the stories…be them historical or contemps… are not boring to me. Love them all. Best wishes with Fatal Affair and Fatal Justice. You’re a new author for me and I’m looking forward to reading both of them along with your backlist.
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
Hi Mitzi,
I haven't read the Outlander series, but I LOVE the McGregors (especially THE McGregor and his meddling). I'm really looking forward to writing Sam and Nick's story over the series and hoping I'm up to the challenge. LOL! Book 3 is staring me in the face, telling me it's time to get rolling! Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments and I appreciate you checking out my books!
One other thing I meant to say: one of the great things about ebooks is that we can get them out to readers a lot faster than print books, so you won't have to wait as long between books! Cool, huh? :-)
What an interesting premise, Marie! And it takes a lot of crafting to write it the way you did.
Great job!
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