Today is my birthday. I celebrate the day with all the bells and whistles I can muster. The day before my birthday in 2007, I wrapped a car around a light pole. In 2009, I was recovering from cancer surgery. I love birthdays. They beat the heck out of the alternative.
But birthdays are also a time to reflect and check my bearings. Am I happy in my relationships? If not, what can I do to improve them? Am I doing what I want to do professionally? If not, what steps can I take to change matters?
This year, the answer to both questions is yes. Life is good and I'm grateful.
When my kids were younger, I was very happy with our family, but I used to fret, realizing how very fragile life is. Our joy might be shattered in a moment by an accident, an illness, just plain bad luck. I wasted time worrying about what might be.
Now I focus on what is. God will take care of tomorrow.
I share my birthday with a number of notable folk: Paris Hilton, Michael Jordan, Denise Richards and Renee Russo, to name a few! Do you know anyone with a February birthday (doesn't have to be today)?
PS. It may be my birthday, but I want to give you a chance to win a $100 gift card! Visit www.emilybryan.com to enter today!
Happy Birthday Emily! May it be everything you wished.
Thanks, Amber! I'm going to a museum exhibit this afternoon and supper out with my DH this evening. This morning, I'll be writing, as usual. ;-)
Happy Birthday Emily!! I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing day.
The only February birthday I can think of is my Dad's. And I almost forgot it this year. He didn't get the normal card from me, but I did call and wish him a Happy Birthday. You gotta love parents in that they think that a phone call on their birthday is the best thing you could give them! I only wish that I still lived in Savannah so I could take him to lunch and give him a great big hug!!!
Happy Birthday Emily! We are also blessed and thankful for your friendship! Have a wonderful day!
Emily, Happy Birthday. I just realize that you and my niece have the same birthday.
Happy, happy birthday emily!! have a wonderful day :)
and yay for february birthdays! i'm born on groundhog day :)
Thanks, Heather! Phone calls are lovely. I've heard from my folks, several sister & brother-in-laws, and 2 of my 3 sisters. The other sister runs a day care so her plate is very full. I feel lucky to have gotten a MySpace Bday greeting from her!
Jane, you're such a doll!
Hi May! Wish your niece Happy Birthday from me!
Hi May! Wish your niece Happy Birthday from me!
Yay for Feb Bdays, Chelley!
Happy Birthday! You share your birthday with another fabulous writer, Jane Porter.
Happy Birthday Em, life is good hey, enjoy, celebrate, I'm doin the birthday *happy dance* cause you really wouldn't want to hear me sing :-)
A VERY Happy Birthday to you Emily!!! I pray it is the best one ever for ya!
Happy Birthday, Emily. Funny how your perspective changes once you experience how very fragile our existence is.
Our second daughter is a Feb. 15 baby and i have a brother who was born Feb. 8
Hey, Emily, you share your birthday with my stepmom and one of my best friends - you're in good company :). Congratulations and I hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy belated Birthday Emily and many more !! I celebrate another this Sunday the 21st! I love museums--such a wonderful relaxation, not to mention researc h! What exhibit did you see?
Amanda McIntyre
Maureen--I love Jane Porter! She's one of the first published authors I met at the Emerald City RWA conference back in 2002. She was one of the keynote speakers and she had a whole stack of "anti-fan" mail explaining why her writing sucked and how she should find a day job. Since then, she's seen her books turned into movies!
Moral of the story: Let your critics hide in the bushes and watch!
Thanks, Teddy! I'll dance with you!
Re: 唱歌 said...
I'd love to have your comments, but I need them in English. Since I'm responsible for the content of my blog, I have to know what's being said.
Until you write me in English, I'm afraid I'll have to keep deleting your comment.
Thanks, JenJ! I had a very lovely day with my fam.
Pat--Yay for February babies!
Nynke--Glad I'm in good company. Please wish them a happy day from me!
Amanda--Well, the museum thing didn't work out. We were hoping to see the visiting Harry Potter exhibit at the Museum of Science (yeah, I know it doesn't sound like those things go together does it?) but the place was so packed, the exhibit was sold out till too late for us to do it and make our dinner reservations. So we bought tickets for Saturday morning instead.
Happy Birthday this Sunday!
Belated Happy Birthday, Emily!!!! You're awesome!
Thanks, Etirv. You're awesome too!
Emily belated birthday wishes! You must be special as you share the day with my first born! My son was 30 this year.
May you celebrate many, many more and Happy Scribbling.
Please wish your son Happy Birthday from me. I personally believe in spreading out the celebration over several days, so it's not really a belated wish for another week or so!
Hi Emily,
Hope your Birthday was wonderful!
I am late again.
7 January Father-in-law Birthday
7 February My Father's Birthday
7 March My youngest Son's Birthday
That's ok, Janet. I'm still celebrating!
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