Crispin: I'm gratified by those accolades from my author. When she gets it right, there's no need to correct her! But really--"just Crispin Hawke?" That won't do, you know.
Emily: Did I also mention he’s not afflicted with false modesty? Very well, Crispin. As long as you're here, you can share some of the things you taught the heroine in Stroke of Genius.
Crispin: Exactly my plan. How well you know me, Emily dear. I like to call these precepts "5 Rules to Rule the Ton." Follow these edicts and you will reign above Society’s dictates and become a law unto yourself.
1. The one who cares the least wins. There is nothing so attractive to the ton as indifference. If one doesn’t seem to need their approval, one becomes instantly fascinating.
2. Boldness works. It’s not enough to follow fashion. One must lead. Grace’s unique beauty isn’t enhanced by the ordinary. Her wardrobe has to be as unusual as she.
3. Speak your mind. There’s plenty of interest swirling in Grace’s head. She only has to release the words from her mouth. (Unfortunately I’ve been unable to discover how to stop the flow once it begins!)
4. Accept your sensual nature. We are more than our houses of flesh, but there’s no point in denying the pleasures of the body. It’s possible to soar with artistic genius, achieve the pinnacle of human creativity and yet excel equally in an experience that’s . . . primal. I highly recommend it. Grace has an aptitude for matters physical to match my own and the line between teacher and student becomes blurred at times. Or even reversed.
5. Whatever else happens, one must never ever fall in love. Love is most inconvenient. It interrupts one’s schedule. It disturbs one’s sleep. It overthrows one’s life. And it completely undoes Rule 1. Love makes it impossible to care the least. Which is why love comes with the risk of loss. And reward unspeakable.
And unfortunately even geniuses are sometimes taken by surprise by it.
Emily: Thank you, Crispin. If any of you have questions for my hero, I think I can coax him into dropping by with some answers.

Visit http://www.emilybryan.com to take the STROKE OF GENIUS QUIZ. What kind of genius are YOU?
Jeez. I already have my copy of Stroke of Genius, but I haven't read it yet. Crispin sounds like such a pain! Sigh. Which, of course, makes him interesting reading. It's the Rule of Obnoxiousness or some such thing.
Hi Barbara,
Yeah, he's such a pain, my editor calls him "the Regency's answer to HOUSE!"
But I always think the most interesting characters are the ones who have the biggest growth arc. Crispin has plenty of room for improvement.
I love those strong-willed, hard-headed heroes.
Can't wait to read your book. I did pick it up at B&N.
I already have the book and will read it soon. Speaking of hacking your blog . Your heroic has good plan to take over and bring lot of ladies over.
Thanks, Christie! It always makes me happy when an author who's an auto-buy for me, picks up my books too!
I loved your Sky Gomez in SHUT UP AND KISS ME, too.
Terrie- Crispin is a bit of a babe magnet. He can't help it. He's irresistible and he truly enjoys women--their minds as well as their other attributes.
My dear Mr. Hawke, many thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit with readers. I must say that I find your plan eminently sound and crafted with artistry and reason. Based on that, if you had only one piece of advice to give heroes of books yet to come regarding heroines with plans of their own, what would that be?
Miss Bowling, may I say how charmingly your portait draws the male eye?
But on to your question: A woman with a plan of her own is a highly original creature in my experience. Most feminine plans in my time involve the ensnarement and subsequent re-molding of a man into their stilted vision of masculine perfection.
But a woman who cares passionately about something, who has a goal (other than the aforementioned ensnaring and remolding) is a most aluring prospect and I would advise any hero who hopes to win her to be wary. He will have stiff competition.
If I were not already claimed by the incomparable Grace, she might find me slipping in her bedchamber window some night!
Your servant, (and please, take that with a grain of salt. I only say it because Grace wishes me to be thought polite!)
Crispin Hawke
Oh, he's got a case of "I dare you to care." YUM!
Ooo, Saranna. You've nailed him! Er. . . guess that can mean something else now too. I mean you've understood what's at the heart of Crispin's thick layer of disdain. He doesn't feel worthy of love, therefore he won't give anyone the opportunity to reject him first.
Hello Crispin, it was interesting to read a little about you. Can I ask, what runs through your mind when you handle a raw slab of marble for the first time?
I am sure Emily will allow you freedom of expression on her blog. :)
Always enjoy your site.
Crispin is charming.
Greetings, Glynis. What an astute question. When I first run my hands over a raw piece of marble, I feel the ghost in the stone. There is a figure trapped inside, waiting for me to free it.
Now, if I have a commission, I must put a specific face on that figure and it isn't always the right one. In that respect, an artist has much in common with a courtesan. We may ply our craft with freedom and skill, but the paying customer is the one in ultimate control. This is why I'm frankly literal in my renderings of members of the ton, warts and all. I don't flatter my subjects. If someone commissions a bust of themselves, they may not like the result, but they can't complain the likeness is faulty.
Honesty can be brutal.
Your servant (if you dare),
Crispin Hawke
Thanks, Janet. He can be, when he sets his mind to it.
Sir, I can see you could create upset, amongst the narcissitics who commission you.
I wonder if your heart is as cold as the marble you caress, or if you have a barrier that could be brought down.
I will, no doubt have my answer by the end of June when a ship docks in Cyprus. I have it on good authority, it carries information of yourself, and mistress Grace.
I wish you good health.
What fun. Nothing like an arrogant hero who is so sure of himself. It is such a pleasure to see them meet their match. I've not yet gotten my copy, but it is at the top of my To Buy list. I hope the release has gone well.
(Missed your blogs while we were on vacation. Very spotty internet time.)
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