We ran into them a couple days later and they had found my books at THE BERMUDA BOOKSTORE in Hamilton. I was so happy that books were there! Imagine how silly I'd have looked if they'd searched for them and couldn't find them. (Stamping foot petulantly! "Oh, yes I am too a real writer!") Anyway since we had three glorious days to spend on Bermuda, we took the ferry to Hamilton and tracked down this delightful little bookshop. The booksellers pictured with me are Marie, Miriam and Scott.

Since they'd heard I was there on a cruise ship, they'd been hoping I'd stop in to sign their stock. They had several VEXING THE VISCOUNTS as well as a handful of PLEASURING THE PIRATES! It was such a treat to visit with them and to find my books in that exotic setting. So if you find yourself in Bermuda, please stop by and tell Marie, Miriam and Scott I said hello! They're right across from the ferry dock in Hamilton, Bermuda. You can't miss it.
Thats so great Emily! That bookstore too looks fun! I love those that really cater to those in their community or those visiting! I'd love to go a a cruise and too Bermuda! Hope you took more pics!
So many you'd throw rocks at me if I tried to share them all!
That is so Awesome!
I'm so glad we took the time to stop by since they knew I was on the island. It would have been rude not to say hi!
That's too cool! Congrats on conquering bermuda - it was only a matter of time before your genius writing spread to the islands! LOL
Hi Emily!
How neat, their tore looks awesome.
I love all of the pictures you have posted so far of your Bermudan adventure.
Can't wait to see more.
Bermuda was a surprise to me. I wasn't expecting to love it so much. Not only is it startlingly beautiful, the people are so polite and friendly. There was no pressure to buy things (like there is on any of the Caribbean islands).
There are plenty of multi-million dollar estates, but even the more humble homes were clean and well-kept. There seems to be less poverty in Bermuda than in the Caribbean. The public transit system was great and we had such fun visiting on the buses with "Bemoojahn's" as one fellow told me they called themselves.
I'd love to go to that bookstore! Someday.
I do have a dear friend in Puerto Rico right now . . . behind the scenes on the set of "The Rum Diary"
- the lucky little devil!
Hugs -
Wow, and here I was thinking that Bermuda was in the Caribbean... I leanred something new here :).
So cool that those store owners actually knew you were coming!
Bermuda is about 700 nautical miles southeast from Boston. The "Bermuda Triangle" does include part of the Caribbean. Bermuda is at the peak of the supposedly mysterious area that runs south hundreds of miles with one corner in Miami, FL and the other San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Hi Emily,
I live in Bermuda and LOVE to shop at the Bermuda Book Store. It's nice to shop in a book store where the staff actually read :-)! They always have great suggestions and insight. I bought one of your signed copies of Pleasuring the Pirate. It was my first Emily Bryan novel but definitely not my last - I loved it. Thanks for telling your readers about Bermuda. It's one of the most beautiful places on earth and we take pride in our island. Hopefully you can come back soon!
Hi Anonymous! Hope you told the gang at BERMUDA BOOKS that I said "hello!" I'm so glad you enjoyed my PIRATE!
I adored your lovely island and can't wait to visit again. Along with pristine beaches, fascinating history and glorious flowers, the people of Bermuda were a real treat. Everyone made us feel like a most welcome guest.
I have a couple of questions for you. Do you refer to Bermuda as an island or islands, since technically it is a tight grouping of many islands? Also, what does "KEEP HATCHED AREA CLEAR" mean? I haven't been able to find anyone who knows.
Hi Emily,
Well, I always say I live on an island but technically, it is a number of islands. I think (and I'm not a historian) that Bermuda was referred to at some point as Somers Isles.
I'm not positive but I think "Keep Hatched Area Clear" is similar to "Don't Block the Box" in NYC. I can't see from your picture but there would be a large hatched area somewhere and the idea is that if there were cars or bikes around that they would not stop in the hatched area so that the traffic flow was not interrupted.
Hey - what about a romance novel with Bermuda as the backdrop? Daughter of the British governor captured by pirates or rum runners? (ha ha)!
You're right about Somers Isle. Bermuda was also called Devil Isle because passing ships thought it was populated by demons. (It was really just the huge flocks of cahows crying). Very tempting to place a story there!
What's a "hatched area?"
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