First of all, thanks so much to Emily for having me here! It’s such a pleasure.
We had our first snow here in New Jersey just a couple days ago, and the temperatures are starting to dip toward freezing. I know there’s every reason to be bummed out by the chill in the air, but to tell you the truth, the older I get, the more I begin to think that winter is the best time of year for book worms.
Here’s my five favorite things about reading in winter:
Hot chocolate with a shot of espresso. I LOVE making myself a cup of this when I settle in to read. Sure, maybe I pack on a few pounds between November and March, but it’s totally worth it. There’s nothing like curling up with a good book and warm, choclately goodness!
Winter light. What is it about light in the wintertime coming through the window that is so so beautiful? There’s something so special about the gray-white December sun. I love to open the shades and see it reflecting off the pages as I read or work.
Short days. I like reading at night when it’s dark too. It’s so cozy to spend a long night turning pages, eager to see what happens next. Longer nights mean longer hours spent indulging in good books. After all, it’s not like I want to go outside!
Holiday reading. I generally try to read at least one holiday themed book during this time of year—helps get me in the swing of things. The bookstores are always so pretty with holiday book covers, cards, and gifts on display. It’s a great time of year to be a reader.
Snow days. I love a good snow day now and again. Maybe it’s just a leftover from being a kid, but I always feel like a snow day is a good excuse to leave your pajamas on until two thirty, eat cereal, and watch cartoons. I also tend to read and nap on snow days. It’s perfect bliss.

So tell me: What do you like about winter? One commenter will win a copy of my first novel, Simple Wishes.
All the best,
Lisa Dale
Buy link for: It Happened One Night
Thanks for joining us, Lisa. Oh! And before I forget, here's the link to Lisa's terrific blog too.www.BookAnatomy101.com And remember a commenter will win a copy of SIMPLE WISHES.
PS. Please visit Emily at Chicks of Characterization today! Someone who comments there will win a copy of A CHRISTMAS BALL this week!
Good Morning Lisa!
The cover of your book does look very wintery! I was raised in Minnesota, so you would think I would love winter but ummmm, ya not so much! The only thing I love is what I call Christmas snow, it's the light fluffy snow dusting we sometimes get on Christmas and it is so magical! After that it can all go away! LOL! But I do love a cozy fire, hot chocolate and a snuggly blanket, if it has to be cold and blustry outside!
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
One of the things I love about a fresh snowfall is the crunch when I stomp through it.
I love crisp, bright, silent, snowy nights! (Unfortunately, I now live in the south where we hardly ever get snow. And no, I'm not really complaining. Shoveling snow is not much fun. But I do miss those walks on quiet nights...)
I love a first snowfall. But not over five inches, please (well, maybe six) and yes, I'm talking about snow, ladies! lol.
Remember making snow angels as a kid? I did that with my daughter about ten years ago. So fun.
Lisa, I've met you on Twitter. Love your book trailer and the cover of your newest novel. I think I can guess what will happen but will have to see...
Hi :)
Thank you for the guest post Lisa. I enjoyed reading your favorite things.
My favorite thing about winter is twofold: No insects and the purity of the new-fallen snow blanketing the world around me and decorating the trees. (Oh and the crisp air too).
Happy Holidays,
I too enjoy winter light and early nights. Reading when it is dark outside is so nice. Happy holiday to you and yours.......Stacy
I love the look of snow. Don't like to get out in it much, I use a walker. I like being all snug in my living room looking out at the snow while sipping hot chocolate and reading a good book. I used to like making snowmen with the kids but I can't manage that anymore. Some winters we don't have enough anyway. We actually get more ice than snow here.
Definitely a great cover, and trailer, too! I agree on the hot chocolate only I melt a candy cane in mine. :) I love when it snows as long as I don't have to go anywhere.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Lisa and Emily,
I love to look at the beautiful scenery in the winter, but I don't want to get out in it. You're right, Lisa, it's the perfect time to read, curly up with a blanket and sip a cup of hot chocolate. Smile.
I love the stories you tell! I've recommended them to my friends.
Now about winter...I love my job, I really do. But being a teacher, one of my favorite things about winter is Christmas break, which begins here in a mere three days. But who's counting, right?
Have heard lots of good things about IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT.
In the winter I used to like to take walks in the woods. After or during a heavy snow, there is a special quiet and stillness. You can actually hear the snow falling onto the trees and ground. I really miss it. Then I see the pictures of the blizzards and shoveling two feet of snow off the driveway and I'm good. We've only had two good snow since moving to TN in 1992. I hope we get one this year. I love snow days too.
Lisa, best of luck with this and your future books.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Hi Emily and Lisa,
What I love about winter, specially this time of the year, is that you become more self-aware when the days are shorter. You tend to pause more often thinking about your life, your dreams, your goals.
I guess the smaller the days, the more you notice your life is short as well and you want to find ways to fulfill it with relevant decisions.
Taking the time to do all the things people describe they love about winter - reading, drinking hot chocolate - is part of that self-awareness and that´s why it feels so good.
Best of luck with your new novel.
living in Ireland.
Cap Lock...One of the mistakes, most often made by me. Love Winter.
All seasons have their special attributes. Making life fun each day.
Merry Christmas and the Best New Year Ever!
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