We interrupt all the Christmas blogging to bring you a breath of what's coming next spring!
I was popping over to my editor's blog
Romantic Reads. (If you're an aspiring writer, I highly recommend you follow Leah Hultenschmidt's very informative blog!) I happened to see New York Times Bestseller Connie Mason's new cover for LORD OF DEVIL ISLE. Those of you who were at the Romantic Times Convention in Orlando last year will recognize the hunk in this "From Here to Eternity" moment. It's Charles Paz--Mr. Romance 2009!
Congrats to Charles, who's a super nice guy (which I noticed right after I noticed all those incredible muscles. Yes, ladies, he really looks like that!)
And also to Connie Mason, a grand dame of the genre! I'll be looking for LORD OF DEVIL ISLE next May! (And not just for the hunk on the cover!)
Connie Mason was one of the first authors I read when I started reading romance. I read mostly her Highland books. Enjoyed them and have a couple on my endless TBR shelf. Know they will be good. Wish her the best for her next release.
I have a very soft spot in my heart for Ms. Mason too. She gave me a cover quote for Maidensong, my debut Diana Groe title. It was the first and as far as I know, the only cover quote she's ever given, so I really treasure it.
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