Today I'm thrilled to announce that we have a WINNER! Congratulations to Tonya of Taylor, Michigan! Your $100 B&N gift card is on its way!
To everyone else, may I offer a free read as a consolation gift? Click here for A Dragon Caern Christmas. It's Christmas Eve with the characters of PLEASURING THE PIRATE and VEXING THE VISCOUNT. Plus, a new contest is starting on my website today! (All my contests are exclusively for my newsletter subscribers--don't worry! no purchase necessary!--but be sure you click the confirmation email you receive when you sign up and add my newsletter to your list of trusted senders.)

I share about Regency decorating for the holidays, special foods, games, traditions, and all about the heart of the 12 days spent celebrating. Every time you see one of these Christmas balls on www.emilybryan.com, click on the image to find the special page. (Of course, you can always check my site map if you don't want spend time surfing for the hidden pages!)

I always put up my Christmas tree and all the trimmings on the day after Thanksgiving. How do you kick off the holiday season?
Congrats Tonya! Thanks for the free read Emily!
Good Morning Emily!
We always put up our tree Thanksgiving weekend! It is a tradition for us. But most of all my husband has a huge blow up Grinch he puts in the front yard and decorates the house all in green lights outside! He says when the Grinch is up its officially the holiday season LOL!!
OH!! Congrats to Tonya!! Happy shopping.
Thanks, Cheeky! Hope you enjoy A DRAGON CAERN CHRISTMAS.
Jane--Too cute. Give your DH/Grinch a hug for me.
Hi Emily,
Just wanted to let you know that I thought your comment on my blog (Neil Gaiman breaks writing rules) was interesting, and I've featured it in my new post. Drop by if you get a chance!
Traditionally, we always decorated Thanksgiving weekend. This year things are too chaotic, so it didn't happen. We always get angles off the tree at church and enjoy putting together something special for them for Christmas. This year they had 3 times as many children as last year. I picked 4 children the age of my grandson and will have him go shopping with me. Should be fun!
Thanks, Livia! I did and enjoyed the discussion on your blog very much! I've always been a fan of interdisciplinary approaches and it's fascinating to read about a neuro-scientist's take on creative endeavors.
Pat--Bless you for taking names from an Angel Tree. It's a wonderful thing to do and sharing the experience with your grandson will teach him the joy of giving as well.
got the book , will read this soon.. by the way .. great blog, love this background..
Thanks so much, Terrie! Hope you love it!
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