I'm sorry. My family thinks I'm nuts, but I love A CHRISTMAS STORY. I love the voice-over narrator, adore Ralphie's vivid daydreams and some of the lines have become part of our family's secret language ("overcome by art" springs to mind!) Every year, I laugh till I cry over Ralphie's quest for his genuine Red Rider BB-gun.
One of the reasons I adore this hysterical story is that it illustrates an important point for writers. Our hero/heroine must have an all-encompassing goal that drives them. We don't have to share the goal. We don't even have to understand why. It doesn't matter what it is, only that it's important to them.
I've never owned and never wanted BB-gun, but I have yearned for something with the same consuming longing that grabs hold of Ralphie. I identify with his emotions. Because he cares so deeply about it, I care too.
As I'm starting a new project, this is something I'm bearing in mind.
Ok, your turn. What's your favorite Christmas/Holiday movie?
I have a two way tie for favorites. Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol is a longstanding family tradition. Scrooge, Magoo, and a show within a show all in the same place; who can resist?
Love Actually is so packed to the brim with a wide range of emotion that it's a true feast. Liam Neeson's grieving widower character who overflows with love for his stepson; the utterly sweet budding romance of the :ahem: nude body doubles; Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman's marriage teetering on the brink but (at least the way *I* see it) snatched back in time; Colin Firth's author who learns that love is more than words (in any language); the pure silliness of a young Londoner seeking romance in Wisconsin of all places; Hugh Grant's prime minister as politician, man in love and :gasp: dancing fool; not to mention Bill Nighy's washed-up rock star determined to take a wild longshot at a comeback. Laura Linney's character adds a somber note as family responsibilities make romance take a back seat, but I always like to think that Rodrigo Santoro's character would be back someday.
In short, it's Christmas in London and almost everybody gets a happy ending.
I don't think you're nuts at all! "Christmas Story" is my favorite holiday movie, too. :) LOVE it.
I also really like "Love Actually" and "The Holiday". Just saw "Christmas in Connecticut" on TV a few days ago, it was fun!
Hi Emily,
I love White Christmas. I like the dancing,the visuals and the story is nice too. And of course, it's a romance. What's not to love?
Hello Emily! I guess I am not into movies, I really just have to be in the mood to watch one. So for the onth of December my husband and I have a date promise! Everyday we watch ONE christmas movie! Seriously like four channels run them non stop all day long, so it may be an afternoon, early evening or late night movie, but we have watched one every day! So far I have enjoyed them all, but my all time favorite has to be "The Grinch", I love him, I love how he finds the true meaning of the hoiday, deep down in his evil little soul. It's just a classic I guess! I would say "A Wonderful Life" is at the top of my list so far this year.
Anna--I'd almost forgotten about Mr. Magoo! And I've never seen Love Actually (kind of have an aversion to Hugh Grant--He always plays the same character in every single movie) but maybe I should brave it.
Amanda--Haven't seen THE HOLIDAY, but I love THE LAST HOLIDAY with Queen Latifah.
Kathye--Would you believe I've lived in Boston for a year and half and still haven't made it up to Vermont (where White Christmas is set!) I need to go.
Jane--I love It's a Wonderful Life too. Sure it's a little over the top, but it pushes all the right buttons.
I have 2 favorites:
White Christmas? with Bing Crosby, and The Christmas Card (Hallmark 2006 Movie). Was on Dec 6 where
Soldier looks for Christmas card's sender, who is a very attractive young lady..LOL This is very romantic and i am a sucker for romance..At almost 67 and single, I find my romance in books. HeHeee
"White Christmas" is probably my favorite. Can't beat the star and a good musical.
"Christmas Story" is enjoyable and probably one of the closest to the "real" Christmas for many of us.
My other favorite is "The Muppet Christmas Carol." You can't beat the Muppets and we have singing and dancing again.
Hope December is going well and you are ready for the Holidays.
MissKallie-The Christmas Card sounds like a fun premise. Don't you love those wounded warrior heroes? Thanks for commenting!
LibraryPat--No, I'm not ready for the holidays. Not only am I the Anti-Shopper, I am the Queen of Procrastination.
But somehow, it all gets done eventually. One dedicated day of (shudder) shopping should do the trick.
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