Please welcome my friend Penny Watson. Her debut title
SWEET INSPIRATION just came out, but she was kind enough to give me a sneak peek. When my little dog Susie died last month, Penny sent me a copy to cheer me up. That's just the kind of giving person she is.
More about Penny: She's a native Pittsburgher whose love of romance started at the age of twelve when she discovered Gone With The Wind in the middle school library. This resulted in numerous attempts at a first novel involving a young lady with windswept hair who lived in a treehouse.
A biologist by training, Penny has worked at various times as a dolphin trainer, science teacher, florist, and turfgrass researcher (don't ask). Through it all she was a compulsive reader and collector of romance novels. After taking time off to raise her two spirited children, she decided to rekindle her passion for storytelling with the support of a wonderful writer's group, The Quirky Ladies. Now she gets to incorporate her wide array of interests, including gardening, cooking and travel into her light paranormal stories. Penny lives outside of Boston with one fly-fishing crazed husband, two lively Filipino kids, and a wiener dog.
With all that background, you'd expect wildly creative stories from her and you won't be disappointed! Here's the blurb:

What if the legend of Santa Claus is in fact, true? What if Santa has five big strapping sons who help him run his empire? Five single, sexy sons looking for romance...
Nicholas Klaus is a master pastry chef, a strict disciplinarian, and the eldest son of the legendary Santa Claus. One look at café owner Lucy Brewster sends him into an unexpected tailspin of lusty desires. When Lucy is injured, Nicholas makes a decision that catapults both of their lives into turmoil ....
Lucy Brewster, the free-spirited proprietor of Sweet Inspiration, has a flair for concocting sugary confections but no time for adventure. She gets more than she bargained for when she awakens in the North Pole...rambunctious elves, a fitness-obsessed Santa, and the man of her dreams. Does she have what it takes to become the next Mrs. Klaus?
Nicholas carefully folded his coat over the back of a café chair and watched Lucy giggle with the children, as the puppy (lucky bastard) licked her face like an ice cream cone. He could barely contain his irritation.
First of all, a dog had no place in a dining establishment. What the hell was the woman thinking? Secondly, if a customer attempted a last-minute order change, Nicholas would firmly instruct him that all orders were final five days prior to the gathering. How could one efficiently run a kitchen without rules? Thirdly, and most importantly, Nicholas could smell gingerbread. Cookies. And they were burning. Lucy was oblivious. And her young assistant with the nose ring was leaning over the front counter watching the puppy, utterly clueless about the impending culinary disaster.
Nicholas tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for someone to remember the cookies. He knew by the scent that the cookies were browning, probably a bit too dark around the edges. Still waiting. Now the assistant was snuggling with the puppy, and an old man was regaling Lucy with some ridiculous story. Oh, the hell with it.
Nicholas marched into the kitchen, which was surprisingly clean, found a pair of oven mitts shaped like Laurel and Hardy, and removed the cookies from the oven. He found wire racks in a cupboard and lined them up on the counter. Although the cookies were a tad dark, they were still salvageable. Thanks to him. Using a spatula, he carefully transferred each gingerbread man to cool on the racks. He washed and dried his hands at the sink, and turned around to find Lucy and her nose-pierced assistant staring at him in disbelief.
Lucy stepped up to him, hands on her hips. “Just what do you think you’re doing in my kitchen? I don’t remember inviting you in here!” Lucy asked him incredulously.
“Yeah!” added the assistant. Clearly not the brightest bulb on the planet.
“Since you and your assistant were too busy to tend to the kitchen, and an entire order of gingerbread was about to go up in smoke, I thought I would lend a helping hand. No need to thank me.” Nicholas smiled and raised his left eyebrow in a manner his brother Sven insisted was infuriating.
“Thank you? Kandy and I are more than capable of looking after the kitchen. We do not need your help, Mr....?”
“Klaus. Nicholas Sebastian Klaus. Is your assistant really named Candy? How... charming.”
“It’s Kandy Kane, with a K, not a C. I’m a performance artist.” The young woman gave him a rather lukewarm smile.
“Fascinating.” Nicholas turned to Lucy, who looked ready to murder him. Good going, Nick, how are you supposed to seduce her now?
“I run my own kitchen up north. I assumed you wouldn’t mind a little help, since you were...momentarily distracted. Have I told you that your sugar cookies are divine? They are, truly. I was wondering if we could discuss the subtle flavor profile...”
Lucy crossed her arms, glaring at him. “Mr. Klaus, while I appreciate your concern for my cookies, I can assure you I do not need any more help in my kitchen. Why don’t you sit down with a cup of cocoa, and I’ll bring you some gingerbread cookies. Nice and dark, just the way I like them.” And then Miss Lucy Anne Brewster raised her right eyebrow in an utterly patronizing manner. Nicholas simply could not help himself. He raised his eyebrow right back. Two can play at this game.
A young man rushed into the kitchen, grabbed the performance artist and began to thrust his oddly pierced tongue into her mouth.
“Oh Kandy, can you ever forgive me? Let’s get married right now. Vegas, baby, what do you say? I want our bambino to have a daddy.” Nicholas noted that in addition to his creatively pierced face, tongue-boy also sported a nice assortment of tattoos, all of candy. Peppermints, butterscotch balls, M-and-Ms, and of course, candy canes.
“Ray, I missed you.” Miss Kane began thrusting her tongue right back at him.
Nicholas turned to Lucy. “Ray? That’s not too original.”
Lucy shrugged. “Ray, as in Ray-of-Sunshine. They’re both performance artists.” Then she turned to her assistant and tapped her on the shoulder.
“Kandy, you are forbidden to leave me right now. It’s the middle of our busiest season, and I need you. You and Ray can get married after the new year...”
“But I don’t want to wait, Miss Brewster. I love him!”
Ray licked the side of his girlfriend’s face, and both Nicholas and Lucy shuddered. “Yeah, and I got tickets for us to see Celine Dion, your favorite, honey.”
Lucy watched in disbelief as her assistant bundled up in a parka, plopped on a red Santa hat, and flew out the door with the gangly boy. Nicholas bit his tongue to keep from laughing. Served the woman right for hiring such a flake in the first place.
Leaning down close to Lucy’s ear, he whispered, “Need a new assistant? I just happen to know the perfect gentleman for the job.”
Love it!Emily: Your hero is captivated by your heroine's sugar cookies. What gave you the idea to give your love story that "food porn" twist? ;-)Penny: Have you ever bitten into a cookie and been enraptured by a buttery, flaky, rich heaven? One of the great things about Christmas is the magic of holiday cookies. I knew as soon as I decided to write about Santa and his five sons that one of the sons would be a baker. I am addicted to Top Chef, Iron Chef, and every other cooking reality TV show. (My daughter and I love to watch the cake decorating competitions on the Food Network. She always picks the winner!). A master pastry chef must have two dueling components to his personality...a highly disciplined, detail-oriented side, and a passionate, artistic side. I think this is a fabulous combination for a hero. And thus, Nicholas Klaus, eldest son of Santa, was born.
Emily: Stop! You're making me hungry! Tell us a little about your writing process.Penny: Total pantser. I have no clue what's going to happen until I start writing. I am now slightly revising that by making goals for each scene as I write it. I'm allowing myself free reign, but must accomplish certain objectives, too. For me, writing is all about fun and creativity.
Emily: I hear you. So, are there more Klaus brothers stories to come?Penny: Of course! Five Klaus Brothers = Five Books! Next year I'm hoping to release the second of the Klaus Brothers Series, called Sweet Magik. It will be Oskar Klaus' story (he's the snow-boarding, green-haired, punky hunky youngest brother).
Emily: Where can my readers get a their own SWEET INSPIRATION?Penny:
Wild Rose Press!Thanks so much, Emily, for letting me visit today. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!
If you'd like to learn more, visit Penny's website. (She has a recipe section!)