So, Phyllis, tell us all about your new releases. (Yes, folks, I said releases. She's having twins!)
Thanks, Emily. I would love to tell you about my new releases. March 11th’s release is Huntress Of My Heart (historical).

Check out the book trailer for this one -
March 25th, my contemporary, The Man Hunt is being released.

Check out the book trailer for this story -
Both stories will be with The Wild Rose Press.
Wow! A historical and a contemporary. Huntress of my Heart and The Man Hunt, hmm? I'm seeing a hunting motif here. What inspired these stories?
Huntress Of My Heart was actually written because I’d been part of a 7-author anthology. Our topics were chosen from the seven wonders of the ancient world. When some of the authors pulled out of the anthology, I didn’t know what to do with my story. I’m very happy The Wild Rose Press knew what to do. (grins)
The Man Hunt was previously published as Woman Seeking Man a few years ago under another pen name I’d used back then. This story was created when I saw my co-workers son who’d just returned from overseas (in the Army), and heard about his sad life caused by his ex-wife. I knew this hunk needed a story. heeheee Yup, he got a happily ever after!
I love handing out HEA's to deserving characters, too! And how much sweeter when the story is based on real people. If you could give one piece of writing advice, what would it be?
Don’t ever give up! Keep writing. Keep learning. Keep sending your stories out. Join critique groups to improve yourself. If you want it bad enough, you’ll not give up!
You live in Utah and I used to, too! My DH and I spent a decade one winter in Park City. OK, ok, no hate mail! It's a gorgeous place, but 12 feet of snow will wear on anyone's spirit after six months of it. The cool, brief summer was heaven. What do you like best about living in the West?
I’ve lived in the West all of my life, so I don’t know anything different. However, I was in Texas a couple years back, and South Carolina a few years before that, and I did miss seeing the mountains. Home-sweet-home! Park City is also a wonderful place to vacation! I’m jealous you lived there for a while. It’s beautiful.
It is a fabulous place. If we'd bought a condo so we didn't have to shovel or snowblow or climb up on the roof to knock the accumulated feet of white stuff off, we'd have probably stayed! (Hence our condo now in snowy New England!)
But back to your writing, is there anything else you'd like us to know about your work?
As you’ve probably guessed from reading my two blurbs, I haven’t chosen one genre to write. I adore historicals! So I’m hoping to write more historicals than the others. But, I do have many ideas, which is why you’ll see contemporaries. I’m hoping to give the reader more to choose from. Please check out my website and see what I have for you.
Phyllis is giving away a copy of one of her books to a "non-lurker", so please leave a comment or question! Oh! And there's still time to leave a comment for a chance to win my VEXING THE VISCOUNT over at The winner there won't be chosen till tomorrow. So be sure to leave a comment or question both places! Have a great day!
I absolutely love Phyllis's books & can't wait to get my hands on these as well! I'm so excited for you! Two books at once! Better get out my credit card. :-)
Seriously, Thank You so much for all your hard work! You are my favorite author! Keep up the good work!
DONNA!! Thanks so much for your comment. You made my day. I'm thrilled you love my books, and I will certainly try to keep up the good work. (grins)
Hi Phyllis! Congrats on the two new releases. They sound fab and I especially love the cover with the gold coins. How come I haven't read either of these two stories yet, huh? huh? huh?
LOL Jennifer! You'd think since you are my crit partner, you'd be able to read them...
Actually, they were both written a few years back. I don't think I was participating in the group at that time, so that's why. THE MAN HUNT was my very first story published almost seven years ago, and I'm not sure we knew each other then. lol Do you remember the story of mine - Woman Seeking Man? That's this story, just revised a little. (grins)
The cover with the coins is awesome, huh? Gads, I love the covers The Wild Rose Press artists make us. They're wonderful!
Thanks for posting, m'dear! Oh, by the way...I queried your agent last night. Keep your fingers crossed for me...
Hi, Phyllis,
This is so exciting! Your stories always have so much heart in them, which I can tell comes from *your* big heart!
You're a great critique partner and we loves ya!
It's always fun to see what you've got up your sleeve next. Best of luck with these 2 new books. I know fans will enjoy them.
Sounds like you have a great support group, Phyllis! While I was in Seattle this week, I got a chance to rejoin my old critique group for a day of sharing and blue-penciling. What synergy! Everyone brought something different to the table.
What's the best piece of advice your CPs have ever given you?
Mel! Thanks for dropping by and supporting me. You are wonderful! I'm glad you think I have a big heart. Sometimes I wonder... lol
Lubs ya!
Hi, Emily! I love my crit group. I have learned soooo much from them. I wouldn't be where I was today if not for these ladies! I will ALWAYS need them!
The best advice? Well, they are always full of great advice. I think the best advice is to not let rejections stop me. (I'm currently looking for an agent). They are always there to brush me off, and help inflate my ego again. heeheee They keep telling me to KEEP PUSHING! Yup, that's what I'm gonna do!
Hi Phyllis!
Wow! Twins! I'm really..congrats on both of them. You are such a talented writer! I hope your star blesses you with many more:)
Good luck!
These books both sound wonderful. There is nothing like a good historical romance to escape into,and to learn something along the way to.
Great covers!
Hi Phllis,
No wonder you have been so quiet on groups lately, you are so busy getting your manuscripts ready! Congratulations these two look great. I really admire your ability to move between time frames and cultures.
May you never run out of ideas.
LOL, Brenda. Never thought I was having twins until Emily mentioned it. (snickers) Thanks for everything! I'm glad you posted!
Mary, I completely agree with you! I LOVE historicals. (which is why I'm glad I found Emily Bryan's books)
Anita!! Hi, how are you? Run out of idea? Nah! Not me. Still have a good 30 or so stories on my computer that needs to be finished. Not only that, I'm still thinking up more plots. My poor muse... lol
I actually need to get back to our historical crit group to finish NIGHT SECRETS. My poor shape-shifter hero is waiting for someone to break his curse. He's been waiting too long as it is... (wink)
Congrats on both your releases, Phyllis. Thanks for the interview, Emily.
Speaking of learning something, what is your favorite source for mythological research?
I still have a book from my childhood (which I'll confess captured my fancy because of the very naked nature of the ancient art depicted). I now use it as a story springboard (and still enjoy the naked art!) Bulfinch's Age of Fable, or The Beauties of Mythology. Sadly, my 1898 edition is in deplorable condition, but that gives me a reason not to coddle it. I use it regularly.
What a nice interview! Phyllis, I love the blurbs and the stories. The reincarnation story is really interesting. Both books must go onto my ever-growing TBR pile, lol.
Congratulations of having two releases in one month. You're a very talented author.
Thanks, Debra!
Emily, that's a hard question. Mainly because I don't research that at all. If you're referring to my story, HUNTRESS OF MY HEART, there's some background that goes with this. A couple years ago, several authors got together and decided to write short stories about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. We were given one of the seven to pick from. Back in those days, I had another pen name, so C.H. Scott wrote one called KISSES OF FIRE, and Phyllis wrote HUNTRESS OF MY HEART. All I researched was these two stories. lol But the anthology the seven writers were going to be in broke apart, which left me with two different stories I didn't think would sell. lol Good to know they BOTH sold. KISSES OF FIRE came out in January with Champagne Books. (grins)
Thanks, Jannine! It was a shock for me when The Wild Rose Press put both stories in the same month. (shrugs) What can I say? They're double the pleasure? heehee
The books sound interesting and the trailer for Huntress was excellent.
Thanks, Nightingale. I'm glad you like my trailers. Ginger Simpson is the one who does them for me and she's AWESOME! I'm so happy with her work!! She picks the perfect pictures and music.
Just popping in to say hi! I am a huge fan of Phyllis Cambell books and admire your ability to write in a variety of genres!
Awh,'re making me blush. (grins) Thanks for everything! You are AWESOME! You know I lubs ya, right?
Hi Phyllis! I always enjoy your books and am happy to learn there are two more to gobble up!
Great interview. And congrats on the new releases!
Hi, Phyllis! Two books at once? You must be thrilled. They both sound great!
Hi, Renee! Long time no hear! Thanks! I'm so happy you enjoy my books. Yes, two in one month. Incredible, huh? lol
Hi, Susan. Thanks for dropping by. I am certainly thrilled. I have a big year planned...having SEVEN books come out in this year alone. Yikes! heehee
Phyllis, I am so sorry to say I have not read your books, BUT, I most certainly will now! As one of Emily's faithful blog stalkers LOL! I have learned about so many exciting new authors (well new to me). So thank you and heres to another new friendship!
Hi, Jane! I welcome any of Emily's stalkers. (grins) I love Emily's books, too. I want to be like her when I grow up. heehee
Ok, Phyllis, you have seven titles coming out this year. I have two.
Who wants to be who when she grows up?
Sounds like I need to play some serious catch-up!!! :)
Hi Jane--Stalk me anytime, girl-friend!
Hi, Phyllis...I was just popping in to say hi, so you wouldn't be lonely, but I see you've had a great response today. Both books sound wonderful. I'll have to put them on my to buy list.
Anna Kathyrn
Hi Phyllis,
both your books sound wonderful! It only took the blurb to make me feel for your characters. I'd love to see them get their Happily Ever After!
Emily, this is what it must have been like for the regular followers of some of the blogs you took us to on your tour - so many new people all of a sudden! And so enthousiastic! :)
Oh, aren't you funny, Emily! Your ONE book will bring you more money than my SEVEN this year. Shoot, all of my books put together will never amount to the ONE book you have. (grins)
I just wish I can convince some agent (or editor) that I'll be good for them because I can put out so many books a year.
Hi, Anna! Thanks for coming to keep me company. You're a great friend!!
Hi, Nynke! It's nice to meet you. Any friend of Emily's is a friend of mine. (wink)
I want to thank everyone who visited me today, and especially Emily for having me! You're the best!!
Could I have these people please email me to claim their prize:
My email addy is -
I love the new cover for HUNTRESS!
Hi, Kim!! Oh, I'm soooo glad you dropped by. Perfect ending for a perfect day!
Thanks girlfriend!
Phyllis--Thanks for being such a lovely guest!
Category writers hope to break into Single Title. Single Title authors envy Category's fabulous distribution. Everyone eyes ebook's quick turn around with respect to production and royalties. We all want what we don't have. Isn't human nature perverse?
It's been lovely to have you all here. To those of you who are new to my blog, I hope you'll drop by again! Please visit to sign up for my newsletter. You'll recieve notice of contests and special events throughout the year.
Thanks again for coming by!
Happy Reading,
I have only read one of Phyllis's books and I just adored it 'Her Knight of Seduction' was WONDERFUL.But alas your books are very hard to come by in my area.I keep asking my bookstore but they never listen.So I will fix them and order your books online from now on.I cant wait to get the two newest editions to add to my ever growing wishes Carol M.
I'm probably too late for this drawing (my grandson was born yesterday!), but I still wanted to leave a message. I enjoyed the interview and I hope I have an opportunity to read your books in the near future.
Hey LuAnn,
Yeah, Phyllis has chosen her winners for this give-away, but I'll be having some more guests soon. So please stop by.
Congratulations on a new grandbaby to love!!!! How exciting!
Hugs to you and the new little one.
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